Search results

  1. tonyzick

    leather coral

    I have a tan colored leather coral and one of the arms are turning black i also see a littlle hole in the arm thats turning what could be happening to the coral?I have seachems reef dip should i take him out and dip him in it?
  2. tonyzick

    fan mounting

    Yes I can I just dont have enough room to mount the fan inside
  3. tonyzick

    fan mounting

    i have a 75 gallon reef tank im setting up with a ice cap 440 watt v.h.o.s and a ice cap thermo sensor fan but i dont have enough room to mount it on the inside end of canopy to blow the air across the length of the bulbs.Can i mount it in the back of the canopy in the center or what do you...
  4. tonyzick

    Star polyps

    3 weeks ago I purchased one rock with brown star polyps on 3/4 of the rock and 1/4 are green star polyps.All the polyps were out and doing fine now the the brown star polyps havent come for two days are these dead now if yes why are the green ones still living? :(
  5. tonyzick

    colt coral

    On friday 3/8/02 I bought a colt coral and it was already attached to a little rock.I mounted the coral towards the bottom of the tank on a ledge with epoxy.two days later the coral looked like it was cut with a knife halfway through it where it was attached to the rock and was leaning over...
  6. tonyzick

    peppermint shrimp

    to zipperfish my eel ate an 18.00 cleaner shrimp that was giant in 45 seconds after putting the shrimp in the i did not want to take any chances and my wife will have to get over it.
  7. tonyzick

    peppermint shrimp

    I have alot of aptasia anenomes of various sizes,I couldnt buy any peppermint shrimps because my snowflake eel would eat them,but i traded in the eel and my wife is question is how long does it take for the shrimps to start eating these anenomes.I bought 5 of them.
  8. tonyzick

    phosphate remover

    I would like to use phosphate remover in a filter bag.My outside power filter is to small to put the bag inside can i put the bag in my red sea prizm skimmer? <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> also im using kent marine phosphate sponge how much would i use for a 35...
  9. tonyzick

    How many powerheads

    In a 75 gallon reef tank how many powerheads should be used, and how many gph should the powerheads be ? I also plan on using a wavemaster powerhead contoller. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />
  10. tonyzick

    vho or pc

    Thanks for your help but what do I use in between the light fixture and the water or do i use nothing at all.
  11. tonyzick

    vho or pc

    I'm now starting a new 75 gallon reef tank.I would like to keep hard corals and some porite corals.which lighting is better 440 watts of vho or 384 watts of power compacts.which ones do you recommend.or should i get 2 175 watt metal halides with 2 65 watt actinic pcs,except im worried about the...
  12. tonyzick

    75 gal. all-glass

    I'm interested in purchasing a 75 gal. all-glass aquarium with the twin flo overflow built in the tank.Does anybody have one already?,and do you like it?
  13. tonyzick

    prizm skimmer

    I just put my prizm skimmer on my 35 gallon hex mini reef tank.I have the flow valve completly closed and i'm getting lots of small micro bubbles going into the tank.If i open the valve a little bit i fill the cup with seawater.Do i leave it running closed with the bubbles going into the...
  14. tonyzick

    xenia corals

    i had the tank up and running for 11 months now and the xenias i had for two months i use a 96 watt power compact smartlite on a 35 gallon hexagon. my levels ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 15-20 ph 8.3 temp 78-80 salinty 1.022 calcium 400 kh 4.0 phosphate .5-0 also i have a torch...
  15. tonyzick

    xenia corals

    I have a rock with 5 seperate xenias on it and 4 of the 5 are dk brown and wont open now the other opens up and is fine do i need to remove these xenias that don't open because im not sure if their dead.and if dead why did they die and not the other one?my water parameters are good please...
  16. tonyzick

    which protein skimmer

    also if you recommend the bak-pak skimmer do i need to buy 2 of these because they only are rated up to 60 gallons?
  17. tonyzick

    which protein skimmer

    im starting a new 75 gallon reef tank.which skimmer would you recommend the prizm skimmer or the cpr bak-pak 2 or 2r? i will be using a wet dry filter.
  18. tonyzick

    cleaning live rock

    the thing is i only have a fex big ones and about 50 - 75 little ones.
  19. tonyzick

    cleaning live rock

    I have lots of aptaisia anenomes on my live rock.I cannot buy the peppermint shrimps because i have a snowflake eel and my wife will not let me get rid of can i scrub the live rock in the sink with freshwater to get rid of these or will i kill the live rock? :confused:
  20. tonyzick

    which wet/dry filter

    im looking to start a new tank which filter do you recomend an eheim wet/dry canister or a an amiracle sl 150 wet dry im worried about the amiracle flooding my living room if the power goes out thats why im looking at the eheim.