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  1. tonyzick

    long tenticle plate coral

    i have a 35 gallon hex with a 96 watt custom sealife power compact smartlite. phosphates .75 alk 3.5
  2. tonyzick

    long tenticle plate coral

    I got this coral for my birthday from my niece on july 13,01 and part of it is dead can see the skeleton on 15% of it will the rest of it get this way or will it be able to repair itself? ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10 calcium 400-450 ph 8.2 temp 78-80 salinity 1.022-1.023
  3. tonyzick

    Flower Pot Coral

    I just bought this coral sunday 7/22/01 and i was wondering how long it will take to fully open up?
  4. tonyzick

    lots of algae

    I have a 35 gallon hexagon tank with live rock and live sand,a bubble coral,a torch coral,and lots of various mushrooms.I used to have a 27 watt 6700k and a 9watt actinic 7100k custom sealife light and never had an algae problem until i upgraded my light to a 96 watt powerquad smartlite from...
  5. tonyzick

    lighting question

    Originally posted by BurnNSpy: <STRONG>Since you are in the reef section of this BB, you need another smart light to successfully keep just about any corals. If you plan to keep SPS corals then you need to add 1-175 or 250watt MH bulb instead. BurnNSpy</STRONG> I currently have...
  6. tonyzick

    lighting question

    I have a 35 gallon hexagon tank and i just purchased a custom sealife 96 watt smartlite that is 16 1/2" x 6" long is this to much light for this tank.
  7. tonyzick

    brown animals

    I have 2brown animals that are about 1/4 in diameter that look like an octopus they are flat and are stuck to the glass of the aquarium also i have lots of white dots on my glass they are not air bubbles what are they and how do i get rid of these.