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  1. wyatterp


    Well i guess i cant win for loosing, when i started off i had a bad problem with brown algae well i swapped from using tap water to ro/di and it helped a ton!! Just a little bit ago i upgraded my lighting, now i have uncontrolable green algae!!! Any ideas?
  2. wyatterp

    2nd opinion

    no too much worried about the stony corals at this point, what about those real colorful clams? Does anyone know anything about jbj lighting?
  3. wyatterp

    2nd opinion

    I was told that 192 watt pc lighting on a 30 gal tank would support most corals, is this valid or is someone setting me up for failure? Any opinions on jbj pc lights?
  4. wyatterp

    Just Thinking!

    Are Nano tanks good for a newbie on a budget? I know bigger is better but funds are scarce around these parts, if you know what I mean. I guess I want to know is this a good idea or should I wait till i can afford a bigger tank, wich i will get in time anyway!
  5. wyatterp

    stingray for sale

    how big of a tank do you need to have to keep one?
  6. wyatterp


    Does anyone know anything about the via aqua multi-skimmer, the one with the uv light? Is it good, bad, or what? My next door neighbor got the aqua c remora and i have heard good things about them but i was just checking all options.
  7. wyatterp

    Home Depot Sand??

    what happens if the sand you buy does not fizz and you use it anyway?
  8. wyatterp


    Oh by the way as far as the price of texas holey rock goes, I agree with you, I got mine for free, but some of the prices i have heard other people pay for it its insane!!!!
  9. wyatterp


    thanks alot for the help, the only reason i put it in there is because i already had it and did not at the time have the money to buy all live rock so i thought i might be able to seed it with the live rock i could afford, i will be changing to ro water i hope that will fix my problem, you guys...
  10. wyatterp


    sorry 350
  11. wyatterp


    in my situation, I already had the holy rock, it was used in my cichlid tank! As far as the calcium goes i do test it every day! Calcium level will not go above 350 as i stated above!
  12. wyatterp


    I use tap water, wich was my next question, is there no way to use tap water? if there is what is the best water conditioner to use? As for the question at hand, the only additives i use are kent products, tech cb part a and b for calcium, and essential elements. Calcium level will not go above...
  13. wyatterp


    thanks, i was having the hardest time with my alk, water change after water change it was still high, then i thought i wonder if this rock has anything to do with it. I guess thats what i get for trying to cut corners!!!!
  14. wyatterp


    Has anyone heard of Texas Holey Rock? I know it is a wonderful thing for some freshwater fish requireing higher ph, and alk. My question is does anyone know what it does in a saltwater tank? Is it the reason my alk is through the roof and will not come down? Any help would be great!
  15. wyatterp

    Selling livestock-50+ pounds LR

    If you are willing to break up the package and ship I want the live rock! E-mail me
  16. wyatterp

    Looking to sell or trade!

    This is the deal! I have had freshwater tanks for years now and am getting into saltwater! I have a 30 gal. tank w/ stand, light strip, heater, well you know the works! I want to get rid of it! If you are interested make me an offer, however I am in need of some things for my 55gal. saltwater...
  17. wyatterp

    i need a tank badly

    I have a 30gal tank that i am needing to get rid of, if you are interested email me at Make me an offer or if by chance you have any equiptment looking to trade might go for that as well!
  18. wyatterp


    thanks for the help, i will have to get another alk test kit, what's the best way to get alk back down? Water change?
  19. wyatterp


    Well i dont have a mag test kit i will get one soon! and my alk levels are high and i cant seen to get them down, i would love some advice on that as well. It was fine until i had to go off for training for about a month and left my wife to take care of the tank! "I swear I can handle it" she...
  20. wyatterp


    Any Suggestions? please help!