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  1. casa

    Lighting for Bubble Tip

    I have a 35g tank (36x12x18) with 2x39w of T5 lighting. I am just wondering how much T5 lighting i should have on there to put in a bubble tip anemone? Will this be enough or do i need more?
  2. casa

    Hermit Crabs

    I dont even acclimate my crabs or snails and they all seem to be doing fine.
  3. casa

    RO water changes

    NEVER mix the salt in your tank. Buy a new bucket and use it to mix your salt. Let your salt mix for at least 24 hours and then you can put it in your tank. Try and use some short of pump in the bucket to move the water around.
  4. casa


    What is your oppion on T5 lighting? Are they good? I have a 35g tank and a friend wants to sell me his 96w T5's. Is this enough light for soft corals and anemones? i heard its not enough for hard corals.
  5. casa

    test your knowledge!

    Does the LFS charge anything to test your water?
  6. casa

    Algee problem??

    I should have snails that will clean the glass right?
  7. casa

    Algee problem??

    I've had my 35g tank running for 2 months and am starting to notice some green algee on the glass at the back. Should i be worried about this? I'm getting a protien skimmer ASAP, if that helps. Thanks
  8. casa

    Pics Of 10 Gal Bf. Im 4 Months Young Be Nice!

    Patience is everything when dealing with a saltwater tank.............just rush things or you will be paying for it later. ..............02$
  9. casa

    Pics Of 10 Gal Bf. Im 4 Months Young Be Nice!

    People told me i couldnt keep a tang in my 35g and now a see a guy with a 10g having a hippo tang. Is it possible that this tang will actually survive in a 10g tank?
  10. casa

    Pics Of 10 Gal Bf. Im 4 Months Young Be Nice!

    How long has your tank been up and running for?
  11. casa


    I have an aquaclear filter on my 35g and would like to know how often i need to change my carbon chips? i also have ammo-chips.......but i was told i could stop using those. thanks
  12. casa

    pic of anemone my first one

    How long has your tank been up and running? it looks fairly new
  13. casa

    Heat PROBLEM

    just an update........i got my tank down to 82 degrees.......i should be able to get it lower
  14. casa

    Heat PROBLEM

    yes it is a new tank. Only 2 months young. It only has 2 clowns, an emerald crab and some hermit crabs. Will they all die if the temp stays up high? What about my bioload in my tank? will i have to recycle it and basically start it off like a new tank again?
  15. casa

    Heat PROBLEM

    Thanks for the help guys. As soon as i get home from work i'll do my best to get it down. Thanks again
  16. casa

    Heat PROBLEM

    My tank has been up for 2 months and everything has been fine so far. Here in Canada the heat has suddenly risin and the AC in my house is not working at the moment. The temperature in my tank has risin to 88 degrees. I usually keep it at 78 and there are signs of some ich on one of my fish...
  17. casa

    White Spots

    I have had my 35g for 2 months now and everything has been fine itill this morning when i woke up and found white spots on my percula clown. The other percula is fine. What is this and how can i get rid of it? Also will a cleaner shrimp clean a clown?
  18. casa

    white spots

    I have had my 35g for 2 months now and everything has been fine itill this morning when i woke up and found white spots on my percula clown. The other percula is fine. What is this and how can i get rid of it? Also will a cleaner shrimp clean a clown?
  19. casa


    I'm running a 35g tank that has been up for almost 2 months now. I would like to make it a reef tank and have an anemone for my clowns and other corals. I'm looking at purchasing a light source that will be able to keep anemones and such but do not want to spend a lot of money. The guy at the...
  20. casa

    Lighting question

    What kind of lighting is expensive or cheap on electricity?