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  1. ygrowup


    I do thaw the brine in a cupof tank water then release in the wave maker to release in the tank so every one gets some. I heard the juices from the brine were good for the corals . Is that false
  2. ygrowup


    Fish- pair marroon clowns,pair devil damsels,kole tang, blueheaded wrass,barred bullit goby,citron goby,scissortail goby,lawnmower blenny,pair blue spot killies,3 stripe damsel,constructon goby,flame angel,purple firefish,barred goby,and a pair of pj cardinals. crew-40 turbos(50) more coming...
  3. ygrowup


    I have the kent max 50 ro unit. Been using it now for 5 months now which I thought would have been enough time to eliminate my problem. I dont have a refuge though. I assume a 180g tank would not need the extra capacity of bio filtration with all the other water parameters being adiquitely met...
  4. ygrowup


    Ive had a hair algae problem now for 7 months and followed every piece of advice given,but yet the algea still grows out of control. Today I got my ph4 test and started testing. First the tank,the results did show I had high ph4 levels at .5ppm. I just want to know where are the phosphates...
  5. ygrowup


    they look exactly like a garden slug brightly orange colored and tiny. Under a magnifing glass they have a central organ system in white. sorry wont come up in pic
  6. ygrowup


    orange to reddish slugs have appeared tonight in large numbers.They are all approx,2mm in lenth and everywhere. The ecosystem has not had any newcomers for at least 5 months and this is the first sighting. The question is are they a form of nudibranch and are they harmful to my reef? Thanks guys...
  7. ygrowup

    flame scallops

    once the scallop started withering a blue headded wrass and the hermit crabs finished him off and had lunch but I saw no provoking until the scallop looked not happy
  8. ygrowup

    flame scallops

    has anyone had any success with flame scallops. I got 1 to last a whole 36 hrs. Drip acclimated,and I have perfect water parameters in a very healthy reef tank. Are they just touchy and need to be acclimated real slow or maybe my lights were to much (800wts pc) Just curious because I would like...
  9. ygrowup

    sinulara rasta

    I know now it is a type of finger leather but thats it. I need parameters and tank location because it already doesnt happy. Actually it looks like its shedding/sliming and some tips are falling off . Its not my water unless it doesnt like high density-.026
  10. ygrowup

    sinulara rasta

    none of you guys know anything on this coral? No one else has this?
  11. ygrowup

    sinulara rasta

    no pic Its a soft coral .I know there is a pic on hit or miss page. thats the only place Ive been able to find at least a picture of. No info on it though
  12. ygrowup

    sinulara rasta

    just got a sinulara rasta for b-day. I cant find any info. can anyone help me on some info for this coral thanks!
  13. ygrowup

    more? on tank inhabitants

    coming from the freshwater side of the hobby for 20 years my new expansion into salt reefs has left me in awe and each time I find new life I have to know what it is and you guys get the brunt of it. I went from guru to pupil so teach me. Here are the descriptions for today- Worms-1/4 in lng...
  14. ygrowup

    new found jellyfish

    I am unable to post a pic for you guys. all I can say is this morning they are still alive at the surface and I still dont know where they came from because nothing has been introduced for awhile. I hatch brine right in the tank regularly could that be the source?
  15. ygrowup

    new found jellyfish

    As the lights went on tonight to my surprise thee were 2 species of jellyfish in the water with various other minute creatures swimming in my water. One species is a typical disc shape and the other looks like a badmitton birdy with 4 white stinging cells. My question is where the heck did they...
  16. ygrowup


    How can you tell when you have enough copopods to support a mandarin or scooter blenny etc.
  17. ygrowup


    I recieved advice on my hair algae problem but now this morning I am noticing a burgandy colored slime patch with air bubbles eminating from it and a charcoal grey set of patches that is overtaking my gonopora and on a couple other places. I was told the hair algae was from phosphates and to get...
  18. ygrowup


    you guys are great. Thats the little bugger. I hate killing things but the snail is no more I crushed it and the shrimp and crabs seemed to enjoy the meat. Again thanks for the help it seems to be something else I need help with every day
  19. ygrowup


    nope not it . It has a turbo snail type shell but with a checkerboard pattern. Im killing it right know because it kept eating my coral polyps. I was just curious on what it was because it was actually visually appealing
  20. ygrowup


    what snail has a checkerboard shell and a spike tail?