Search results

  1. catahoulas

    QT water

    Thanks for the help. I kind of thought this but wasn't to sure. I thank ya'll for guiding me. I just got finished adding somemore reef rock to my 46g, about 15lbs. I already have 15 lbs. of rr and 30lbs. of lr. It gave my tank so much more texture and life I just want more fish now...
  2. catahoulas

    QT water

    Bump. Anyone?
  3. catahoulas

    QT water

    Anyone else? Thanks that is actualy was the concern if I lost my cycle. I'm ready for more fish. I start a new job Monday and it's going to be difficult to get to the lfs on fish day. So i was trying to be prepared.
  4. catahoulas

    QT water

    I have a 10g qt it has already cycled awhile ago. Since nothing has been in it for awhile , do I need to do a water change before purchasing a fish? Still very new at this. I'm looking for a pair of clowns. What's the best way to keep them healthy? :help:
  5. catahoulas

    Blue spotted puffer

    Help, is anyone out there?
  6. catahoulas

    Blue spotted puffer

    He just started getting a little lighter today. He's still very active in movement and appetite.
  7. catahoulas

    Blue spotted puffer

    :notsure: What is a proper diet for a Blue spotted puffer? I recently got one, but he's losing his color. The water is all in align. I have been fedding brine,bloodworms,krill(small),seaweed sheets. Please help. :happyfish
  8. catahoulas

    How many tanks do you have?

    I have a 5 fw, 10 fw, 20fw, 10 qt sw, 46 fowlr(no fish yet) Wishing I had a 125, but the 46g came free brand new. i couldn't pass it up.
  9. catahoulas

    Which Fish Clowm or Chromis

    Yes, that was my question. When should i add a cleaner crew?
  10. catahoulas

    Which Fish Clowm or Chromis

    Okay I have 1 more. my QT hasn't finished it cycle, however I believe my display has. I have the brown algae(?) growing on the rocks. Can I start with the cleaner crew, so I won't loss my cycle? And if so what to start with, remember its a 46g FOWLR?
  11. catahoulas

    Which Fish Clowm or Chromis

    Thank you very much for the advice and taking the time to quide me in the right direction. You respones helped clear things up for me. Ya'll have been very helpful :cheer: :happyfish
  12. catahoulas

    Which Fish Clown or Chromis?

    I know I goofed it's the CO one. Thanks for the advice everyone. Does anyone think yeah or nay for the green Chromis? I know i'm not ready for the cleaner crew, but when I am any suggestion on types and #? :thinking:
  13. catahoulas

    Which Fish Clowm or Chromis

    Oops, I meant the CO one . I saw that after it was sent and thought I caught all the mistakes. I fixed the one in the heading didn't catch it in time so two got started and I don't know how to fix this , I'M SO SORRY FOR THE OOPS I just don't know if I have faith in the lfs' either. I have...
  14. catahoulas

    Which Fish Clown or Chromis?

    Thanks, do you know how to tell the ---? what about chromis-- how many at a time for qt? I really do appreciate the advice. :happyfish
  15. catahoulas

    Which Fish Clown or Chromis?

    Thanks Tangs123 for your help. Is there anyone else on the clowns? Can I only get 1 at a time?
  16. catahoulas

    Which Fish Clown or Chromis?

    I am ready to get FISH . Just not sure which order to start with. I have a 46g with 40lb LR, 60 LS been going since 8-5-06. Have QT up and running. I would like 2 percula clowns and 3 green chromis. Any suggestions on which type first. Oh yeah the QT is 10g. Beth suqqested getting a mated...
  17. catahoulas

    Which Fish Clowm or Chromis

    I am ready to get FISH . Just not sure which order to start with. I have a 46g with 40lb LR, 60 LS been going since 8-5-06. Have QT up and running. I would like 2 percula clowns and 3 green chromis. Any suggestions on which type first. Oh yeah the QT is 10g. Beth suqqested getting a mated...
  18. catahoulas

    QT ? clown fish

    Thanks what type of food do you feed LR? :notsure:
  19. catahoulas

    QT ? clown fish

    Thanks for taking the time to help me Beth. I'm still so very new at this forums thing. I will make sure to finish the search on the QT. I have the meds already just really wasn't sure about the order of treatment. I have 1 more question. I started getting readings from Amm, Nitrite...
  20. catahoulas

    QT ? clown fish

    I have had my display going since Aug 5th. I have my QT ready for fish I think? I was wanting to get a pair of Clowns. They will be going in a 46g. I was wanting some advice on which way to go first. Since clowns are known for Brook, is this something you can treat before you see any signs...