Search results

  1. aphrodite

    salt exposed to moisture

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who has the floaties... I was wondering about those. :notsure: I have been using a brine shrimp net to remove them from my water.
  2. aphrodite

    local *****

    So.... this one time at my local *****......... I'm sorry but if you're sick of reading posts about *****, why would you open a thread thats obviously about *****??
  3. aphrodite

    Finding Nemo in the Pet Store

    I love going into the fish stores with my 3 year old son who loves nemo, but also knows that is his name and not what kind of fish he is. It's absolutley hilarious to watch him walk up and down the aisles naming off tangs, firefish, puffers, triggers, etc.... then you see adults turn their...