local *****


Active Member
I have a local ***** located in highland and when i was in the store i overheard them talking to a customer and telling them they need a 30 gallon tank for saltwater.
So it caught my attention, next thing I knew they were selling them a 30 gallon setup and sent them home with a yellow tang, porcupine puffer and a tomato clown.
I was inline behind them and told them those fish would prob not live through the tank cycle, they looked at me like i was crazy!
They will learn the hard way!
I hate those places, I just go there for small supplies when needed, like veggie clips etc.
Kinda torque's me off! :mad:


Active Member
Originally Posted by rs1831
I'm not going to spend any money there. I don't want to support a place like that.

Exactly. Not only would I not buy livestock at a lfs like that, I wouldn't buy ANYTHING there.
These ***** threads get irritating though IMO. Their are plenty of fish places like that, not just *****. (Ophi, I've already done your work for you!


On top of that, my LFS has better prices. Even though I don't shop price.
Just an example, LR at LFS is 5.99. Too high IMHO. But ***** is 7.49. :thinking:


Active Member
My pet co has PREMIUM LR for 5.49, so heeey ;)
but their servicd sucks, and the tanks are all with gravel. lol. not into the whole thing too much


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Exactly. Not only would I not buy livestock at a lfs like that, I wouldn't buy ANYTHING there.
These ***** threads get irritating though IMO. Their are plenty of fish places like that, not just *****. (Ophi, I've already done your work for you!


Active Member
only lfs by me with reasonable prices are the *****'s and petsmart's (for supplies)
other lfs in my area are too expensive on supplies, I am not going to pay 6 bucks for a pack of veggie clips when i can purchase them at ***** for 2.50
A nice fish I am willing to pay extra for!
Just not willing to pay double for the same supply, like the ca test kit I just purchased for 10 bucks at *****, was 16 @ other LFS.


Active Member
Well, I don't think it's right to persecute ALL ***** stores and associates. This teaches new-comers to the forums or to S.W. that they are ALL bad. Sure, YOU may have a bad experience but that doesn't mean all of the people are out to get you. I have made a VERY good friend in the Aquatics Section of my local ***** who has helped me out SO much. She will deny sales to people left and right, and she knows what she is talking about. All of my fish have come from my local ***** and they are happy and healthy. My local ***** IS new, however, which may have something to do with it. But it isn't really right to judge them all, it seems a little... ...extreme.
I apologize, but I take a little bit offense because I trust my friend, Tracy, in the Aquatics section with my fish, money and everything. She has helped me out so much and she's a good lady...


Active Member
I am not bashing all *****'s or petsmarts, I am bashing the ones in highland.
They have a petsmart on halsted that seems pretty good, but thats a 45 minute drive.
Thats it for my area.
Thus the title "local *****"


New Member
I've been to 3 *****'s. Two had sick fish, but 1 in North Syracuse, NY actually had healthy looking fish and nice tanks. I hope it wasn't just the day.


Active Member
I think that it really depends on who is working Aquatics. When Tracy isn't there, the tanks look horrid and fishes start dying. She gets ANGRY when she comes back and sees that the algae has caked itself practically on the OUTSIDE of the tanks. It's just disgusting how some people don't care, and then the person who actually DOES care has to pick up all of the pieces.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Will you people stop with the ***** threads already! Talk about beating a dead horse.


New Member
So.... this one time at my local *****.........
I'm sorry but if you're sick of reading posts about *****, why would you open a thread thats obviously about *****??

my way

Active Member
To tell people to knock it off. I see you have 2 posts, so your not sick of seeing the same thing repeated over and over, but if you stick around, you too will see how childish this ***** bashing really is.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by rs1831
I'm sick of people bashing people that are bashing *****....

Good One!


Active Member
The managers and employees at petcos can only work with what corporate HQ gives them to work with. Since the powers that be only look at the ledgers the situation at most petcos will stay the same.
I am no fan of copper dosing holding tanks but in petcos situation I think it would be a good idea seeing they rarely if ever stock inverts or Live rock. Petcos as policy do not dose copper.
And for those holier than thou types that seem to love beating up on *****....those other LFS that have tanks with no signs of parasites are dosing copper and if dosed improperly will lead to the death of the fish you buy there also.
With the constant influx of new live stock and room constraints at most LFS it is virtually impossible to keep the live stock from being exposed to parasites. This is why in most LFS that carry inverts and LR you will see two separate systems. One for the inverts and LR and another for Fish only which 9 times out of ten is dosed with copper or some other parasite inhibitor.
In the end its a matter of knowing how to pick healthy livestock, quarantine and knowing how to treat parasites if they do appear while the fish is in quarantine rather than saying one LFS is better than the other.
IN the case of angels and tangs give me a fish that has not been exposed to copper(almost impossible to find these days) I can cure parasite problems while in QT I can not however performe a liver transplant on a fish.


Active Member
As far as ***** and Petsmart go....none of them around me sells SW fish, and have a rather limited supply of....well supplies.. There FW selections always look really nice but SW their extent is salt, and food, and some 10000 lights, but they gave me a great deal on a Fluval 205 for $74.99 new in the box..so no bad exp's here