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  1. jsteiert

    Colt Corral Question

    I have a colt frag that I have had for about two weeks now, so far it has been doing great, but this morning I noticed one of its branches looks damaged almost like it has been cut. Its visibly different from the other branches in color and texture now. Also the colt is laying over like its in...
  2. jsteiert

    Sailfin Tang Question

    2 clowns and 1 SFE is overstocked for a 30 gal tank????
  3. jsteiert

    Sailfin Tang Question

    I have 2 clowns, 1 snow flake eel, 30 gal, starting up a 125 gal to move the sailfin into.
  4. jsteiert

    Sailfin Tang Question

    yes, 11 days ago
  5. jsteiert

    Sailfin Tang Question

    Are sailfin tangs shy? is it uncommon for one to hide all the time? If it is unusual what would cause this behavior?
  6. jsteiert

    Arrow Crab Question

    On Wednesday I got a new arrow crab from the lfs... I was watching it tonight because it climbed up high on a piece of live rock which i thought was unusual it usually sits on the sand and eats. But while watching it the tail end of it opened up and it started pulsating and little white things...
  7. jsteiert

    Particales in the water...

    David, Not sure if you remember me or not but I used to be on the totally texas message board as "Damn Lucky". You and I have been out shark fishing before out of Sabine Pass, and tried to go offshore out of Aranass pass back in the late 90's. It was horrible weather by the time i got there and...
  8. jsteiert

    New Sea Pen

    Sorry I got it wrong...Its a White Sebae Anemone not a sea pen... Still new and learning the species.
  9. jsteiert

    New Sea Pen

    I just aquired a sea pen last night, after the acclimation period and introduction in the tank, its doing awesome... My clowns slept in it all night!! They seem to love it as a new addition to the tank. My question is this... I put the sea pen on the substrate which is about 2" of sand, this...
  10. jsteiert

    New SFE, Advise please

    I just got my first SFE yesterday, after acclimating him and releasing him into my tank he is doing great. But like many other posts I have read he is in hiding behind my rock, I want to coax him out so I can view him easier. What is a good way of doing this other than feeding time? If I make a...
  11. jsteiert

    New to S/W tanks

    Hello, I really enjoy all the discussions on the board and have learned tons of helpful things here. I have a 20G tall tank that just completed its cycle. 5 weeks and my levels are all good. Nitrates-10 Nitrites-0 Ammonia-0 Salinity-1.023 PH 8.8 These levels have been consistant for a little...
  12. jsteiert

    Another Salinity Question

    I currently use the swing arm tester. I will look into getting a different type. I do use DI water when topping off the tank though, this does bring down my levels some but the increase overnight. Is it normal to have salinity levels increase overnight like I am. After topping off the tank with...
  13. jsteiert

    Another Salinity Question

    Yesterday my salinity level was 1.031, I did a 20% water change and it reduced to 1.027. Today I checked it again and its back to 1.031... What gives? Is there something I am doing wrong here? How can i get the salinity to stablize around 1.025? 37g tall tank hang on protein skimmer biowheel 350...
  14. jsteiert

    Salinity Question

    I have a 37g tall tank, with a bowheel 350, a protien skimmer, heater, 270 gph power head, 30lbs live rock, 20 lbs base rock, 40 lbs live sand. Ammonia=0, nitrites=0, PH=8.4, nitrates= 5, salinity=1.031 (IMO high) The tank cycled for around 8 weeks, has been stable in the readings for a week...
  15. jsteiert

    Cycle Complete...Now What?

    I dont have a lot of algea growing as yet... So I will probably reduce the numbers, I can always increase as needed. Would you recommend putting in any fish right now suck as Tangs? It would be nice to see fish in my tank after all the work and patience I have invested to date. But if it is too...
  16. jsteiert

    Cycle Complete...Now What?

    Beginner enthusist here... I have a 37 gal Tall that has been set up and cycling for 8 weeks now. My PH is 8.4, Nitrates and Nitrites are 0, Ammonia is 0. Salinity is 1.024. Im going to do a 25% water change in hopes of bringing down my salinity to 1.022. I think I am ready for the cleaning crew...