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  1. jsteiert

    ID Please

    I'm not thinking it is yellow gonipora, when i purchased it the lfs guy said what it was but i cant remember. it started with a "f" but for the life of me I cant remember the name.
  2. jsteiert

    ID Please

    I took 3 pictures of some things in my tank I dont recognize. The first one is of some leafy dark green stuff growing around one of my corals. I dont know the type of coral either, any ideas? the second and third ones are of these little things that kind of look like slugs, they are attached to...
  3. jsteiert

    Open Brain & Clam Question

    Tanks, Thats is what I was thinking, now I know. Care for a brain... Is there any special or non beginner care that a open brain requires? I have read where you need to spot feed them. Could someone explain how to spot feed one please?
  4. jsteiert

    Open Brain & Clam Question

    I have a 20 gal reef tank with 25lb LR and 20lbs LS. I have the usual stock of mushrooms, zenia,zoos, polyps in it now. I also have hermits, snails, emerald crab, lawnmower blenny, and 1 false perc. My lighting is 130watts PC. I want to get a open brain or a clam but am unsure if either wil do...
  5. jsteiert

    Where to buy a new aquarium

    I am looking for a reef ready corner or pentagon aquarium. I am wanting to buy online if possible. Where are some good web sites to purchase these at?
  6. jsteiert

    Water Parameters- What should they be?

    In a perfect world what should the levels be at for PH, SG, PO4,dKH, Meg/L, Ca, Mg, ect.... I test my tank and get my readings but honestly do not know what my baseline should be. Thanks for any info you can provide.
  7. jsteiert

    New Tank How much Lighting?

    I have a 35 hex that is 23 3/4 inches tall, I currently have only live sand and rock in the tank with a maroon clown. I want to make it into a reef tank with soft coral, sps, lps corals in it. How much lighting do I need? Will a 150w MH be enough? Coralife makes a hang on MH that is small...
  8. jsteiert

    ID help please

    Here is a different picture of it today.... Still say its a BTA? I certainly hope so.
  9. jsteiert

    ID help please

    Thanks someone on the reef board said it could be a majano (SP) anemonie which Im told is harmful to your tank. I would love to have an BTA though, my clowns should be happy now.
  10. jsteiert

    black paint safe for reef tank

    Just to add my two cents worth, paint will not adhere to any slick or shiny surface, before you apply the paint be sure you scuff it up so that there is a good surface profile for the coating to adhere to. Glass is probably going to be almost impossible to get paint to stick long term...
  11. jsteiert

    ID help please

    I have an anemonie hitchhiker I found on my rock today, can anyone please tell me what kind it is and if it is a good one or bad?
  12. jsteiert

    Anemonie ID please

    I just bought a really nice mushroom attached to a piece of live rock, and during the transportation and acclimation the mushroom closed up and under it was the little anemone.... Can anyone identify it for me?
  13. jsteiert

    Lights, skimmer for sale NC

    Interested in the light, shipping to 23464 is about how much? what type of payment do you accept? pay pal perhaps? I would like to see pictures of it though beforehand do you have any? Are the lights 10K? what is the rating of the lights?
  14. jsteiert

    13 month old reef water quality question

    Whats it take to get a response around here? IM looking for help and advise and I get not replys... 38 people have looked at tis post yet no one can comment on my water quality... Im trying to get some information, but I guess no one has any input to contribute.
  15. jsteiert

    Analyze my water readings please

    For lights I have a 65w 10K and a 65w atinic (spelling?)
  16. jsteiert

    Analyze my water readings please

    I have a 20g tank with 25 lbs LR, 20lbs LS in it. I have 130 watts PC light, a protien skimmer rated for up to a 100g tank, a filter with no media in it, just for water movement, a power head and heater. Livestock: 2 false percs (about 1" in length each) 1 lawnmower blenny 1 blue linkia star...
  17. jsteiert

    13 month old reef water quality question

    The yellow coral I posted pics of is a new piece I just got, any ideas of what it is?
  18. jsteiert

    13 month old reef water quality question

    More pictures
  19. jsteiert

    13 month old reef water quality question

    Here are some pictures of my tank. I built the stand and canopy myself...
  20. jsteiert

    13 month old reef water quality question

    I have a 20g tank with 25 lbs LR, 20lbs LS in it. I have 130 watts PC light, a protien skimmer rated for up to a 100g tank, a filter with no media in it, just for water movement, a power head and heater. Livestock: 2 false percs (about 1" in length each) 1 lawnmower blenny 1 blue linkia star...