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  1. toadbaby

    red sea test kits

    I bought the Red Sea kit for nitrates and I hate it! If I use the version without the powder my water ALWAYS turns out clear. Does that correspond to the gray color box for the test or not? Who knows! And no matter what I do, the stupid test always comes out the same - even if I do a 20%...
  2. toadbaby

    Three cheers for my girlfriend!!!!

    Great job! That's really caring to do that for something you are not into that much!
  3. toadbaby

    2 UFO's in my tank, can you help??

    I have two tiny nudibranches in my tank - they are about the width of paperclip and only about 2 cm long. so, yes they do come that small!
  4. toadbaby

    Power outage-20 hours of hell!

    My goodness - lots of posts! Thanks so much for all the messages! The 'crunch 'em up' heat packs are great ideas!!!!!! I had thought about the battery operated air pump. The dreaded ***** had some but they were closed due to power outages too! Everybody remember to not run their generators...
  5. toadbaby

    Red emerald crab??

    On a shipment of live rock I got a crab that looks EXACTLY like an emerald crab - except it is a dark red color. Are emerald crabs always, by definition, green?? It acts exactly like the emerald crabs and picks at the same stuff...
  6. toadbaby

    $1.87 fiji or valentines day gift

    As a woman who is lucky to be married to a man as crazy as she is about saltwater tanks (and crazy in general) here is my advice: 1. Gotta get the rock! 2. On valentine's day, clean/pickup the house for her, make dinner (remember to clean up after) and then give her a nice massage. Since you...
  7. toadbaby

    Power outage-20 hours of hell!

    I have not bought the generator yet. Probably in the next few days. I would worry about using a computer backup though - we have them on all our computers at work and they seem pretty worthless. Maybe I just don't understand what they are supposed to do. I think generators may be the best for...
  8. toadbaby

    Reef keeping, its as easy as a betta in a bowl!!!

    I have gotten 60lbs lr from gulf view. It is fabulous. Listing on what came on the rock: 7 turkey wing clams orange sponge red sponge blue sponge 2 baby green open brains 20 baby brittle stars 5 urchins 2 mantis shrimp (boo!) barnacles some wormy things bright orange slimy stuff type of coral...
  9. toadbaby

    Power outage-20 hours of hell!

    Like the earlier post, I live in Kansas (Lawrence to be exact) and just made it thru a 20 hour power outage. I have never been so stressed in my life! I have a 90 gall reef and 29 gall reef both of which are packed with corals, inverts and fish. the temps on both dropped to 70 and most of my...
  10. toadbaby

    Big Als Online????????

    My husband just ordered stuff from aquacon. we have never heard anything good/bad about them. We only got half of what we ordered, what they gave us was tiny and they could not grasp the concept between a procelain/anemone crab and a hermit crab decorated with anemones - even though they sell...
  11. toadbaby

    Anyone have a 'branched anemone'?

    I just got a branched anemone from my lfs. It is really strange. The inner section looks like cauliflower but it has long silky looking tentacles. I have NEVER seen anything like it. Has anyone else? It was only $15!
  12. toadbaby

    Any aquascape design tips ?

    I have a 30 gall reef tank. I tried to stack up my lr up the back to make a 'wall'. I hate it. No place to put critters and it falls down all the time. In my 90 gall tank I put about 9 pieces down all over the tank. Think of what a '5' card looks like - a piece in each corner and one in the...
  13. toadbaby

    dinner tonight

    I have gone to my local grocery store and bought a frozen mixed bag of seafood that I feed to everyone. It has mussels, shrimp, cuttlefish (no one seems to like this), octopus, and squid. It was only $9 and will probably last the next decade!
  14. toadbaby

    what kind of anenome

    I have a tank raised maroon clown that has not been interested in anything else I have in my tank (and it is packed with host anemone subsitutes). I just got a bubble tip anemone and 'she' zoomed right in and has been the happiest little fish! She zips out to grab some food and races right...
  15. toadbaby

    What about a mandarin?

    The general rule of thumb that I have heard is that your tank should be 6-12 months old. However, it depends on your tank and what you have in there. For instance, I have 130lbs lr in a 90 gall tank, of which, 80lbs was Florida aquacultured rock shipped overnight to me. It came in with so...
  16. toadbaby

    dKH thru the roof!

    Sorry I am so late getting back to this - it probably won't ever get noticed. Whenever I checked my post it did not show any replies! Anyhow, I use the tetra tests. I used the same test on fresh r/o water and it seems to read correctly?!
  17. toadbaby

    Keeping an Anenome put.

    I am not sure about the glue but someone advised me to take fishing line, poke it through the base of the anemone and then tie the line around a rock. There is NO WAY I could impale something to a rock just because it moves around too much for my taste. It would be like gluing your cat's feet...
  18. toadbaby

    Anemone feeding

    I am currently feeding my anemone a bag of frozen mixed seafood which I thaw out before feeding. It gets an assortment of squid, octopus, shrimp and fish chunks (when I buy fresh fish for myself - I'm good at sharing). Sometimes I soak it in vitamins before feeding. Does anyone else feed...
  19. toadbaby

    Ever heard of this?

    rblehm- I live in Lawrence Kansas and would love to ask you a few questions since you are so close! Please email me if you are interested at Originally posted by rblehm: <STRONG>My LFS has a few tanks that he considers base rock, but it's just LR without any coraline on...
  20. toadbaby

    dKH thru the roof!

    For the past few weeks I have been registering continually increasing dkh levels. Friday it tested at 15!!!! I even tested the RO water to make sure the test kit was not out of whack and it turned out fine. I had been adding Seachem reefbuilder but stopped about a month ago due to the higher...