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  1. mary787

    Plz this right?

    I need some help ....again.....I tested my tank today and it tested the following: 80 degrees, SG 1.024, 0.0 ammonia, 4.0 nitrites, 2.0 nitrates, 8.6 PH.......isn't ammonia supposed to get high first then nitrites followed by nitrates......why would my nitrites be high? I have 16 lbs live...
  2. mary787

    Cycle....Is this right??????

    :D :) :joy: THANKS.........what would I and my tank do without you guys....but as the Terminator said in his movie, "I'll be back"......with more questions...
  3. mary787

    Cycle....Is this right??????

    How long do you think before I start seeing any? And should I leave my lights on or off?
  4. mary787

    Cycle....Is this right??????

    :notsure: My tank has been setup for 5 days, 30gal. 16pds LR, 15 lbs aragonite sand. Test today read...0.0 ammonia, which I have not seen go up at all since I started, but nitrites read 4.0ppm, and nitrates read this right?? Nitrites read 2.0ppm on yesterday. I thought ammonia...
  5. mary787

    Third Day of Setup..HELP!!!

    :happy: ....thanks......I'm soooo excited about the tank. So, I will not do water changes then, but it's alright if I top off, when water evaporation occurs, right?
  6. mary787

    Third Day of Setup..HELP!!!

    :help: This is the third day my tank has been setup, it is a 30 Gal. I just added the cured live rock today. This morning at around 9:30am, I tested the water and it had 1.024SG, at 80 degrees, tests OK, except PH read 9.0... all this was before I added the live rock, ....I just tested the SG...
  7. mary787

    lighting hood help

    Thanks for the info. I also saw some threads about DIY lighting, I'm thinking of comparing prices with that as well. I never thought this hobby would turn out to be so expensive!!!:scared:
  8. mary787

    lighting hood help

    I don't want to spend that much :nope: I'll probably look into high pc or vho lighting I guess, do you know if perfecto would carry that kind of lighting?
  9. mary787

    lighting hood help

    How can I tell ? I haven't purchased it yet? Should I go with the power compact?
  10. mary787

    lighting hood help

    :thinking: I'm thinking about adding to my 30 gal tank a perfecto fluorescent double buld hood. Is it good for a reef tank with maybe some soft corals and maybe even after a year an anemone? It would have 2 24"bulbs, (6500K) & (acnitic) ??i think i spelled it right??? Any suggestions?
  11. mary787

    Substrate question?

    Thanks for the info. I am going to setup my tank today, I have the distilled water, salt mix, filters, sand, I've had everything for like 3 days, and I am nervous to start, I don't want to mess it all up.....:rolleyes:
  12. mary787

    Substrate question?

    :confused: I will be using distilled water to fill my 30 gal tank, should I still use some kind of chlorine remover just to be on he safe side or just start mixing in that salt?....please help.....thanks:help:
  13. mary787

    Substrate question? with that cocktail shrimp, how long should it be in the tank for? OH, and I still do not have the live rock, just plain ol' water, salt, filters and sand.....I did not get the rock because I will be using tap water and use a chlorine what do you think?
  14. mary787

    Substrate question?

    :confused: How many pds. of live rock should I get for my 30 gal tank, and how long do I wait to put the live rock inside the tank? In what order do I put in the water, salt, and sand?
  15. mary787

    Substrate question?

    :notsure: I went to the LFS to buy the things to set up my tank and the LFS told me not to use live sand but instead to use Carib Sea Argonite Reef Sand, he said it was better and that I would not get any algae like live sand would.......any advise?
  16. mary787

    Need advice on starting new tank

    :thinking: Any other great advice and suggestions will be truly appreciated, I will be keeping record of the cycling of my tank and will be taking pictures of it also........thanks
  17. mary787

    Need advice on starting new tank

    That info was very helpful......thanks Another ? I had was if I should add the live rock the same day I start setting up the tank?
  18. mary787

    Need advice on starting new tank

    :help: I need advice on starting my new 30g reef tank. As far as equipment, what is everything I should have? Is it true I have to 2 weeks to add the protein skimmer? Also, with the lighting, is it possible to start cycling the tank with just the regular hood with 2 incandescent 25watt light...