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  1. devillion


    OK,OK!the only reason i got the shark is because my lfs got the shark in an order by acident and she only had cc tanks set up,and she knew that i had ls(because she ordered my ray for me)and told me to just take it,so i did,and for the grouper,i got rid of because the triggers were doing a...
  2. devillion


    well i decided to try a couple of triggers with my shark and i have a huma huma and a undilated?trigger,and soon a niger,and so far every things cool and when ever the triggers get to close to my cat shark,he'll chase them off.he seems to be quite a bit more aggresive than i thought,i guess...
  3. devillion

    A pick of rays anyone?

    Well,just when i thought evry thing was going to be ok my ray up and died on me last night,i was warned about this and already knew,i preaviuosly had a brackish water ray and had the exact same thing happen to him as well,so as far as saltwater goes is there any kind of ray i might be more...
  4. devillion

    200g large enugh for a brown spotted catshark?

    the one that i have in mind to buy is only about 7in. long,so do they only grow to there enviroment or will they out grow the tank size,and get to large and have to be transfered to something bigger?
  5. devillion


    I have blue spot in a 125g and was told to get rid of it but instead i kept it and just decided to buy a bigger tank(200g)and i hand feed him at the top of the water with either gold fish or gohst shrimp and have had him for about 31/2 mounths now and seems to be doing great,good luck!!!!!A.S. :D
  6. devillion

    200g large enugh for a brown spotted catshark?

    I have decided to buy a 200g(instead of trying to build one like i talked about in a previous post)aquarium,and was wondering if a brown spotted cat shark would be ok in this size aqaurium,and would i nead a soft substrate for him like ls?THANKS...
  7. devillion

    lion fish in need of medical att.HELP!

    HEY THANKS reefj13!!!!!!I belive that was most of my problem,but i had checked my nitrate level,and had sky rocketed off the chart,and still am having trouble getting it to a lower level,and cant figure out why,other than some dead coral i bought a couple of weeks ago from my lfs and it has been...
  8. devillion

    will garlic work for my lions parasite prob.PLEASE HELP!!

    Thanks guys i was begining to wonder if any body was going to answer my post,but i woke up this morning and tried to feed him,but now hes not eating and still not quite sure whats wrong,and i'm treating him with coppersafe,but doesn't seem to be working,would a dip do any good and for how...
  9. devillion

    will garlic work for my lions parasite prob.PLEASE HELP!!

    I read a post earlier with advice to feed garlic to fish with ick to make them feel better,can i some how feed this to my lion? :o A.S.
  10. devillion

    lion fish in need of medical att.HELP!

    I just noticed today that my lion has something on him that kind of looks like ick,but i also just got done treating him for ick about 2weeks ago,but could it be ick? I treated him with coppersafe in the same tank i keep him in,so i figured the copper safe would have taken care of it,but what...
  11. devillion

    HELP!sick volitan lion

    I just noticed a couple of hours ago there seemed to be some thing wrong with my lion,becuase as soon as i aproach the tank he always comes to the front of the tank to see me,but not today,hes just sitting real low in the back corner of the tank.He seems to be breathing a little harder than...
  12. devillion


    I was just wondering if there are any kind of lid with sliding type of glass rather than hinged type lids?couldnt find anything,just wondering if anbody else has.
  13. devillion

    should i or shouldnt i?

    I was just thinkig about building an aquarium but wasnt quite sure if i should try to attempt this crazy idea,but i know its been done,just dont know where to start,and if im just better off buying the aquarium,caus im going to attempt to build a 400g.does anybody out there know anything about...
  14. devillion

    Lions and triggers and eels oh my!?

    I had recently bought a huma huma trigger and put him in a 20g set up i have,of course he is only 2inches long,wich brings me to my question,I have a lion fish wich is a little over 6 inches long in a seperate tank and was wondering if my trigger is big enough to defend him self before I decide...
  15. devillion

    can a blue spot ray get ick?

    I have a blue spot ray with some of my fish wich came down with a case of ick last night,I was just wonderin if my ray was acceptable to ick as well?and if so is copper safe to use with my ray?
  16. devillion

    what about this?

    I am not sure of the scientific name wright off hand,but thats what they called it in a marine atlas I looked at written by Dr.Axelrod
  17. devillion

    what about this?

    just how big are you talking about this grouper of mine gona be!?!?!
  18. devillion

    what about this?

    I have a 125g with a,lion fish,huma huma trigger,panther grouper,blue stergeon,and a blue spot ray,the trigger and ray are new to the family,is this gona be ok? :rolleyes: