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  1. gailen

    Star fish cut into little pieces

    Sorry to here about your star, I had a tiger star about a year ago that went through a tank crash, the star was losing peices so we quarinteened (sp?) him trying to save it but it was too late within 2 days I had a tank full of tiny starfish peices (each about 1cm in length). No other fish or...
  2. gailen

    Learning about anemones: Are reef fish safe?

    TexasReefRat,just noticed you live in Conroe too, small world. Welcome to the board :)
  3. gailen

    Live Rock

    DO NOT use the stuff from Galveston. Galveston has so many chemicals you will permanantly contaminate your tank. I know someone that tried just adding a fish from galveston bay and had major problems. Stick with the stuff from LFS or online. I get cured live rock in Houston for 4.99 / pound...
  4. gailen

    White Cottonball on fin (hope board is fixed) now have picture

    Thanks for your help all, I am going to leave it alone for now, it is just on the tip of his fin, he is looking very heathy otherwise and eating everything in site. I will keep you all informed. Thanks again.
  5. gailen

    White Cottonball on fin (hope board is fixed) now have picture

    He is now in quarantine, thanks for the soda bottle suggestion. What kind of treatment would you suggest. TIA [ November 02, 2001: Message edited by: Gailen ]
  6. gailen

    White Cottonball on fin (hope board is fixed) now have picture

    We just got a small hippo tang from our lfs and it looks like his fin got damaged. The problem is now it is growing a white cottonball looking substance where the damage was. It this the healing process or an infection from the damage? We are fairly new to Marine and I know we should have...
  7. gailen

    White Cottonball on tip of fin????? (2nd post)

    We just got a small hippo tang from our lfs and it looks like his dorsal fin got damaged. The problem is now it is growing a white cottonball looking substance where the damage was. It this the healing process or an infection from the damage? We are fairly new to Marine and I know we should...
  8. gailen

    White Cottonball on tip of fin?????

    We just got a small hippo tang from our lfs and it looks like his dorsal fin got damaged. The problem is now it is growing a white cottonball looking substance where the damage was. It this the healing process or an infection from the damage? We are fairly new to Marine and I know we should...
  9. gailen

    Finally...a fish

    Just a side note so you do not panic, we have to false percs and they sleep at the top of the tank floating on their sides. We were worried at first but they have been doing it for 6 months now with now problems and are happy as clams all day. Good luck with your tank. :eek:
  10. gailen

    Can a clown live happily with my three striped damsel?

    We have a 55 and 3 3-striped damsels and 2 false perc clowns, they get along fine and actually the clowns rule the tank. The only recommendation I would make not knowing the size of your 3-stripe is to rearrange the tank before adding the clown to confuse the damsel about his territory and try...
  11. gailen

    coral beauty angel

    Just a quick question about the romaine lettuce, do you treat it with anything before putting it in the tank?
  12. gailen

    Live Rock

    Has anyone ordered live rock and/or sand from I am curious as to what condition you received it in and if you cured it? Input would be excellent! :)
  13. gailen

    Clown problems

    We have 2 perculas that sleep floating at the top of the tank, we have had them for at least 2 months and they swim around happily all day long and as soon as the lights go out up they go. We also have damsels in with them 3 striped and blue finned and everyone gets along fine. ;)
  14. gailen


    I have been trying forever to get my nitrates down, they run around 40 or so. I have tried what I think is everything. My tank is 55 galllons and I have a 3 inch live sandbed, 20 pounds of live rock, 3 black and white striped damsels, 2 percula clowns, 1 lawnmower blenny and 3 blue finned...
  15. gailen

    What's this insect?

    :eek: That is soooo funny, I saw one of those same bug looking things on my LR too!! I would really like to know what it is also.
  16. gailen

    What is this Cotton looking stuff?

    Since you have some do you know how big will it get?
  17. gailen

    What is this Cotton looking stuff?

    Help, I have a fairly new set up ( 55g, 2 in live sand, 20 lb live rock, 2 percula clown, 3 3-striped damsels. The tank has a hang on filter and a protein skimmer, heater etc. It was set up in March and has been cycled. We had some turbo snails and 2 starfish(choc chip and brittle) but they did...