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  1. cypress

    hey guys

    my levels r fine
  2. cypress

    hey guys

    and he opens his mouth very wide a bounch of times
  3. cypress

    hey guys

    my algea blenny is swimming on his side and doesnt look good /normal ,, his color is like no 0other i have seen before and im just kinda scared any comments?
  4. cypress

    hey guys

    ya i just logged in now can someone plz help me!! i dont want him to die!!
  5. cypress

    my blenny

    i have a question , my algea blenny has been swiming on his side latley , and having a really weird behavior .. his color is not like it used to be and he doesnt look at good to me ,,,, any comments , plz help!!! thanks , dave
  6. cypress

    hey guys

    i had to rergister just checkin if it works
  7. cypress

    How Do U Get Rid Of Red Slime!!

    ok thanks alot guys
  8. cypress

    How Do U Get Rid Of Red Slime!!

    ok thanks alot man
  9. cypress

    How Do U Get Rid Of Red Slime!!

    plz someone help me do u get rid of this stuff???
  10. cypress

    How do you tell??

    If a clownfish is pregnant or not. my clownfish has a big stomach and it is black if you look through the orange skin. is she pregnant?
  11. cypress

    safest way to clean ur sand bed????

    iight thanks
  12. cypress

    my new clown fish......

    so u think i should raise my salt level a lil bit logan?
  13. cypress

    my new clown fish......

    i just got them today a pair , but the stay really close to the ground , they swim about a inch away from the sand.....with in time will they swim higher ??
  14. cypress

    safest way to clean ur sand bed????

  15. cypress

    pic of my tank!

    it shines a lil , but i mean u have to be close too the tank
  16. cypress

    algea breakout!!!

    alright i will ASAP
  17. cypress

    algea breakout!!!

    my friend does thow
  18. cypress

    algea breakout!!!

    ya it was a lil bit ago , i dont have a nitrate tester though
  19. cypress

    algea breakout!!!

    nitrite = <0.3 mg/l ph= 8.0 is that good?
  20. cypress

    algea breakout!!!

    then wut do u sugest i do?