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  1. cypress

    Sharing my setup!

    That's pretty cool. I want to set up something like that.
  2. cypress

    Next fish?

    What should my first fish be? I have a firefish in a 10 gallon now that will go into the 29 from elvis, but what fish should I buy for my 29? Something reef-safe for the future, and something that I can actually have!
  3. cypress

    where i put the filter, hmmm....

    right , but what if i was , then were would i put it?
  4. cypress

    where i put the filter, hmmm....

    ok i have a question im suer it doesnt matter where i put the filter but it goes down , and hang prob a couple of inchs from the sand bed , now , should it be by a rock? or should i rasie it , or wut do u guys sugest?
  5. cypress


    ok thanks
  6. cypress

    PC or MH

    prob around 100-130
  7. cypress

    y a deep sand bed tank?

  8. cypress


    thanks i'm already debating whether to go with mh or pc.
  9. cypress

    PC or MH

    Should i go with a pc set up or mh setup for my 29. either way it will be the only lighting i will have, i want some lps corals, and possibly a clam in the distant future.
  10. cypress

    y a deep sand bed tank?

    is there any thing wrong with a 2 in deep sand bed?
  11. cypress

    y a deep sand bed tank?

    well actually i just bought a new 29 gal tank and it is cycleing right now , but i have one big bag of sand on the bottom (live sand) , is that ok , in other words does lil sand have a positive point to?
  12. cypress

    y a deep sand bed tank?

    ok thank you
  13. cypress

    y a deep sand bed tank?

    wut r the advanages ans dis advanages of having alot of sand ?
  14. cypress

    Mushroom Lighting

    I have a 29 gal with 22 watt NO bulb ,not much. what kind of corals could i get, any shrooms? sorry i posted at new hobbyists but not getting answers there so, please help.
  15. cypress

    lighting for coral/plants

    i was wondering wut kinda of plants or corel i can get with a floreset bulb , i think it is a 22 watt , im not suer...
  16. cypress


    i was wondering wut kinda of plants or corel i can get with a floreset bulb , i think it is a 22 watt , im not suer...
  17. cypress

    how long should i....

    o wow i didnt know they can jump out lol ok thanks man dave
  18. cypress

    how long should i....

    how long should i leave the carbon in my filter 4? its all done cycling, and clear , wut should i do?
  19. cypress

    how long should i....

    how long should i leave the carbon in my filter 4? its all done cycling, and clear , any tips?