Search results

  1. reynolds33_77

    redish alge

    Hello all I am new at this and I have a problem. I have redish alge growing all over my lr and cc its not slim. I was told the it was bad. how can i get rid of it? Please and sugestions will hep! 35gal sw tank 2 1/2 in cc 25lbs lr 3 damsels 1 turbo smail 1 yellow Tang, 1 panther grouper...
  2. reynolds33_77

    marineland eclipse3

    I was told that there is a conversion kit for my eclipse hood that would enable me to put (2) two 55wt lights or even (1) one. Could anyone help me. The reason Im asking about the lights is so i could put live coral in my tank. Thanx Andy Any suggestions would be appreciated.