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  1. reynolds33_77

    feeding hammers/frogspawns

    Thanx I was not sure i will try and let you know how it turns out. What do you yue shrimp krill or brine Thanx again for your advice
  2. reynolds33_77

    feeding hammers/frogspawns

    do i have to spot feed hammers and frogspown corals with a meaty substance? I know i have to feed my bubbles but un sure of the hammer and frog. Any help would be great thanx. Andy
  3. reynolds33_77

    help my bubble

    hello could someone please hel my green bouble isnot opening. i have had it for two weeks. it would open alittle wen i first got it but now look! :( it is housed in a 10g tank with a 96wt pc live sand 20lbs lr an acuaclear 200 filter and a rio 50 power head. it is not in direct current but has...
  4. reynolds33_77

    paint on tank

    thanx to all for the reply i painted it this morning it looks great!! i used satin paint it looks great! thanx again too all
  5. reynolds33_77

    paint on tank

    i want to paint the back of my tank. can I do this with any old paint or is there a special type of paint for this? any help would be great thanx.
  6. reynolds33_77

    lights for limited space

    I have a 37g tall with a eclipse3 hood w/a 65w pc i have no room for another light under the first opening but the second opening maybe does any one have an idea? any help would be great.
  7. reynolds33_77

    is 95w too much for a 10g nano tank?

    yes blenny, also do yo do water changes on your 10g tank? tanks andy
  8. reynolds33_77

    is 95w too much for a 10g nano tank?

    thanx guys ya its a quad. is it new ive never seen or heard of it, another quick question should i have it off the tank or directly on the tank. I'm thinking off the tank. what kind of filtration do you have on your and do you have any pic. Sorry for somany questions I tank you for all your help...
  9. reynolds33_77

    is 95w too much for a 10g nano tank?

    I want to start a 10g nano reef I saw a nice 20inch 96w pc hood w/ 2 fans for $120 at the lfs. Does anyone think it is too much light? I dont expect to house any clams but will have alot of lil frags. Can any one help thanx.
  10. reynolds33_77

    hot water

    Slick thanx for the advice I got the fan and hooked it up just in case but sofar its staying @ 80 thanx again Andy
  11. reynolds33_77

    hot water

    Thanks HNF2K so 81 or 82 is ok and no fan is needed? Thanks again Andy
  12. reynolds33_77

    hot water

    It was at 78 but now it gets to 80 almost 81 I dont want to cook my fish please help Thanx andy
  13. reynolds33_77

    hot water

    could someone please help!!! I just put a 65 watt pc now my water temp is climing should i get a computer fan and if I do how would I hook It up (get power to it)? Please any help? Thanks Andy 35 gal sw 2 in cc 25lbs lr 1 yellow tang 1 panther grouper 3 damsils 10 blue leg hermit 10...
  14. reynolds33_77

    marineland eclipse3

    could someone please help!!! I just put a 65 watt pc now my water temp is climing should i get a computer fan and if I do how would I hook It up (get power to it)? Please any help? Thanks Andy 35 gal sw 2 in cc 25lbs lr 1 yellow tang 1 panther grouper 3 damsils 10 blue leg hermit 10 turbo...
  15. reynolds33_77

    marineland eclipse3

    Thanx again Surfnturf i got the retrofit kit sunday and it took me a whole 10 min to change out the lights. It looks great!! my kit was 65 watts is that ok you think. do you think i need to get a fan will the water get to hot? thanx again Andy
  16. reynolds33_77

    marineland eclipse3

    Thank you surfnturf you are the man! Thanx again Andy
  17. reynolds33_77

    redish alge

    Thanx for all yor help everyone I will be getting new lights this weekend !! And hopefuly a good cleanup crew. Thanx for the advise about the panther grouper I may have to get rid of him soon. Thanx again Andy
  18. reynolds33_77

    marineland eclipse3

    i have an eclipse 3 hood on a 35g tank any advice is greatful thanx andy
  19. reynolds33_77

    redish alge

    i have 2 18w bulds i think they are made by powergloe or grow or something like that. I have the eclips 3 hood I am looking to get some kind of conversion kit so i could put 55watt bulds in. my bulds are a couple of years old (how long do they last?) How do I check for phospates (just go to lfs...
  20. reynolds33_77

    redish alge

    my tank is about 6 months old I use tapwater I put chemicals in it to take out metals is there anything else i should put in? I am going to get some slails and crabs this weekend how many should i get and what kind? I change water once a month. my last water change was two weeks from the pic...