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  1. biohazard

    Water changes

    i was affraid to add so much salt at one water change
  2. biohazard

    Water changes

    I have been fighting for awhile now trying to get my salinity up to where I want it. For months It has been down around 1.019. I have been trying to get it up to 1.022 and its finally there. Its a 29gal tank and I do a 2 gallon change every week. I have been making really high salinity batches...
  3. biohazard

    Can you post some mushroom pics

    Will shrooms spread, get biger, reproduce? I have a small one about the size of a nickle that is attatched to what looks like a twig. I wedged the twig into a large piece of LR. Will it do anything or will I only have that one mushroom?
  4. biohazard

    Fragging Zoos

    How about Testors non-toxic model glue? It`s a gel. Also do they have to be attached to LR? I have a small round piece of beach debris I have had in the tank for awhile it would look cool covered in zoo`s.
  5. biohazard

    Fragging Zoos

    I have a zoo frag that I purchased from the LFS many many months ago. I attached it to a rock with a ruber band. After 2 days i removed the band and he had attached himself to the rock. He is growing and spredding on the rock very nicley. I want to frag it and transplant a few polyps to another...
  6. biohazard

    1 month in the new 150

    I have a Falco Hawkfish very similar to what you have except he has a shorter nose. A very cool fish.
  7. biohazard

    Anyone fron South Carolina...

    I live in Greenville and I buy all my stuff from Oceans Floor. I love that place.
  8. biohazard

    Falco Hawkfish

    Why do you ask? do you think he is going to be hard to take care of?
  9. biohazard

    Falco Hawkfish

    First for this tank. I have had fish tanks my whole life. Not that I am an expert.
  10. biohazard

    Falco Hawkfish

    I just got my first fish its a Falco Hawkfish. I went to buy a Madrian Gobby (dragonfish) but they didn`t have one so I picked up the Falco instead. He is pretty cool. Hawkfish don`t have a swim bladder so he hops all over the tank like a little bird. I would take a pic but he is kinda shy.
  11. biohazard

    Zoo frag

    I have a small Zoo frag and everytime i put him on a rock my clean up crew would know him down. So I attached him to a small piece of LR with a loose fitting rubber band. How long does it take for him to attach to it so i can remove the band?
  12. biohazard

    Crabs stealing shells

    That sucks because my LFS only has these little dinky shells and aparently thats not enough for these guys. This site has them but after everything adds up they are 23 dollars shipped.
  13. biohazard

    Crabs stealing shells

    They could be molts but they are not transparent. They are colored and I pulled one out to examine it by hand. It looks like the limbs and body are full of um crab meat lol.
  14. biohazard

    Crabs stealing shells

    Ok so i`ve noticed lately that I have hermit crab bodies laying around with no shells. No one is harming the decesed crabs but they are no where near thier old shells. So is someone going around and booting them from their shells?
  15. biohazard

    Do I need more in my clean up crew?

    It`s an awesome starfish they are mild mannered. They chill out under the sand sometimes and leave their arms out to search for food. They will also eat the fish waste that sits on your substrate.
  16. biohazard

    Do I need more in my clean up crew?

    Get you a serpent starfish
  17. biohazard

    Spiny oyster and queen conch

  18. biohazard


    Hey thats a great idea. Thanks
  19. biohazard


    So I have some really exciting alage growth in my young tank. I have some purple coraline spots growing on my tanks walls. They are smalls spots but im hoping they will start to spread. I also have some hard green, purple and some other colors growing on my LR. Yay! :happyfish