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  1. rudy1121

    clown loosing color

    Thank you for the help.
  2. rudy1121

    Cycle additive. Good or Bad Idea?

    Hey can anyone tell me if using Cycle is good for a new tank. Or doing something else will help it cycle in a better fashion. I've got a 6 gal Nano with about 8-10lbs of LR.
  3. rudy1121

    clown loosing color

    Could you explain "once you put a bio-load on it". Thanks and I appreciate the advise you are giving me but not fully understanding the explainations.
  4. rudy1121

    help what happend to my clown fish

    I lost my clown yesterday that looked the same way yours did. Im new to the hobby, and the dealer who bought the fish from, said give it 2 days and if it doesn't improve bring him in for a "dip". In a matter of 24 hours the fish lost 75% of it's color almost to a gray apprearance, wasn't eating...
  5. rudy1121

    clown loosing color

    The fish went from having white spots "ticks", to turning gray in matter of 20 hours. I had the fish for about 13 days. The water was tested before the fish was introduced to the tank and everything checked out fine. I don't think I rushed anything, the fish are far too expensive to do that...
  6. rudy1121

    clown loosing color

    6 Gal Nano. 2 crabs 2 turbo snails and about 6 lbs. LR. It was sent up for 2 weeks before I added the clown and 1 crab and the 2 snails. I took the fish and a water sample to the dealer and he said it didn't have anything to do with the water. He thought it had some ticks on it ????
  7. rudy1121

    clown loosing color

    Too late.. Died 20 minutes after my AM post
  8. rudy1121

    clown loosing color

    Omega Marine flakes and the fish hasn't taken to the frozen spirulina brine shrimp
  9. rudy1121

    clown loosing color

    Hey Im new to the hobby and my question to the rest of you is that my Percula is loosing it's color and won't eat anything but live brine (which isn't a problem). Im worried about its color and health..Any help for this rookie would be great.