Search results

  1. rcmcg

    Pale Yellow Tang

    Tank size is a concern...blindly followed my LFS when setting up my tank and he recommended a tang. I have a stretch hex 40 gallon. He hides when I run the vaccum, or clean the tank, but other that that swims happily. He and the coral beauty get along well.
  2. rcmcg

    Pale Yellow Tang

    My yellow tang gets pale in the evenings. He is a beautiful yellow all day long and sometime after 5 gets pale almost white over half of his body. By morning he is back to full color. He has been doing this for several weeks now. All the tank peramaters are normal. He is a great eater and...
  3. rcmcg

    Could someone please tell me what to feed my new Coral Beauty?

    My coral beauty just grazed for the first week in our tank. I bought pellets, flakes, brine shrimp and finally mysis shrimp. The second week he started eating the mysis shrimp. This is his 4th week in our tank and he will eat whatever is served. The mysis shrimp are his favorite, he has even...
  4. rcmcg

    Cycle additive. Good or Bad Idea?

    Are you talking about an "instant " liquid cycle that you purchace from a lfs? If so I would stay away from it. I used it in a 40 gallon tank and had not problems until about a week after I added fish. Then I started a mini cycle. My fish survived, but it was a lot of worry and water...
  5. rcmcg

    Uggggg...nitrites...please help

    dottie We are having the same problems...I used an instant liquid cycler as well. The first week with fish was fine then ammonia levels began to rise. As they went down nitrates began to rise, they went to 10 and are now back down to 5, but the nitrites are on the rise. (Sounds like another...
  6. rcmcg

    Maintenance Schedule Help

    The tang was a bad example of trusting the lfs dealers advice without reading up on it. Coral beauty is not a good for a newly established tank either. Guess I need to work up the courage and ask them to take the tang back. What would you replace him with? I would like to go to a reef tank...
  7. rcmcg

    Maintenance Schedule Help

    Thanks for your help and the links. They are very helpful.
  8. rcmcg

    Maintenance Schedule Help

    Thanks! I did a 10% water change last week. Do you aerate your water for a time before adding it? I have a carbon/floss filter with my skimmer. Should I replace them singley or together? On the same day as a water change or later?
  9. rcmcg

    Maintenance Schedule Help

    I have a 2 week old salt water tank with a yellow tang and a coral beauty. We want to eventually go to a reef tank, but I have a lot to learn before then. What type of maintenance schedule do you recommend for a 40 gallon tank with crushed coral substrate and no live rock. We would like to...
  10. rcmcg

    stocking a 180 FOWLR

    I just added a coral beauty to a new tank and was told that they should only be added to an extablished tank...6 months. I would agree. He keeps looking at the sides for algae to eat. Poor thing there is not much for him to nibble on yet
  11. rcmcg

    Is Ammonia too high?

    Nitrates, nitrites, ph, specific gravity all test fine and have since the fish were added. I am puzzled by advice from LFS...he maintains several salt water tanks at his store and around town. They all look great and thrive, yet in my reading on this site and in books, his advice is not...
  12. rcmcg

    Is Ammonia too high?

    Sure, it is a 40 gallon stretch hex tank. I have about 2 in of crushed coral in bottom. Dead rock from the lfs. (they said it was too early for LR...I would guess another bum steer) I ran the tank for a week then added the liquid cycler. Added the tang and coral beauty about 12 hours...
  13. rcmcg

    Is Ammonia too high?

    Everything was in normal range except buffering was high...because of stuff that was in the salt mix. The fish seem ok. They have really started eating more the last couple of days. It may be a spike related to that.
  14. rcmcg

    Is Ammonia too high?

    The tank has been up and running 2 weeks. I used a liquid that was supposed to cyle the tank instantly. I have learned several things that the lfs said that was bad advice...but my fish are stuck...what should I do?
  15. rcmcg

    Is Ammonia too high?

    My ammonia level is between .5 and 1. I have had a yellow tang and a coral beauty for a week now. I used a liquid from the lfs store to cycle the tank and everything else is testing ok. Are my fish in danger? Do I need to do a partial water change? It is a 40 gallon tank.
  16. rcmcg

    Coral Beauty needs your Help

    Thank you! The tank is a stretch hex...the dealer said that the tang would be a great fish to start with. Guess I will learn to to my own research. The pellets have garlic in them. Should I still soak in garlic extract? I will go get some other treats to try!
  17. rcmcg

    Coral Beauty needs your Help

    We have just started a 40 gallon saltwater tank. Everything cycled well and we have had a yellow tang and a coral beauty for 6 days. The tang has eaten well since his arrival, but the coral beauty has been slow to eat. (we are feeding small pellets and frozen brine shrimp) At first both fish...