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  1. jayt1218

    trigger wont eat..

    thanks for your replies.. i have him QT'd now and i am trying to feed him frozen krill soaked in garlic daily.. still no luck. not sure what else to do.. he has no signs of ick.. just moves around every now and then along the bottom..just waitin to see if he'll start eating again.
  2. jayt1218

    trigger wont eat..

    he still wont eat.. he just sits in his cave and doesnt even swim around. if he had ick or any other diseases there would there be physical signs? Like spots on his fins or discoloration of any sort? All my other fish are okay though they all seem healthy and normal, i have a yellow tang and two...
  3. jayt1218

    trigger wont eat..

    when ur lionfish didnt eat for 7 days did he seem very weak when swimming. my trigger seems weak in his swimming. he looks like se struggles and keeps floating to the top. he looks healthy bodywise.. no marks or spots that would indicate some disease.. and all the other fish are fine. :needhelp:
  4. jayt1218

    trigger wont eat..

    i have a niger trigger which is about a year old.. he is usually the hungriest out of all my fish.. for the past couple of days he has been staying in the rocks and just swimming in one place..not even comming out to eat. Now he swims slowly around the tank and looks very weak..he bumps into...
  5. jayt1218

    trigger wont eat..

    i have a niger trigger which is about a year old.. he is usually the hungriest out of all my fish.. for the past couple of days he has been staying in the rocks and just swimming in one place..not even comming out to eat. Now he swims slowly around the tank and looks very weak..he bumps into...
  6. jayt1218

    blue hippo tang w/niger trigger & snowflake ok?

    Would it be ok to put a small blue hippo tang in a 40 gal tank with a 2&1/2 in. niger trigger, 2 large damsels, and a small snowflake eel already in there? i have about 20 lbs of rock in there. would it be too crowded? or would the tang not be compatable with the niger or the snowflake? any...
  7. jayt1218

    feather duster dead?

    i have a feather duster that i've had for a couple of months and yesterday I rearranged my live rock and placed him in the rockwork. But later that night he started to come out of his tube. Not just his crown but his whole body. Now he has shed off the entire tube and moved into a cave with in...
  8. jayt1218

    tiny parasites

    i have a bunch of tiny little critters crawling all over my crushed shells. anyone know what they are? im guessing they're parasites. they're tiny little dots that move around on the ground. are these bad for your tank? and is there anything i can get to get rid of them without harming my fish...
  9. jayt1218

    ICH and now Flame has Cloudy eye/ pealing from eye

    i have a trigger with a cloudy puffy eye. i noticed it yesterday and the lfs said its probably an infection behind the eye so its internal. they told me to buy this stuff called spectogram, comes in capsules. put it directly in your tank as instructed on box then mix a little with your fish food...
  10. jayt1218

    how can u tell if LR is cured?

    i bought 2 large pieces of live rock from my LFS and they guys said one of them seems cured and the other may have to be placed into a seperate tank for a while or it will cause an amonia spike. i saw him smell the rocks to determine which one will be ok to put in my main tank now but i didnt...
  11. jayt1218

    not sure whats wrong

    T have a tank with a young snowflake eel and 2 yellow tail damsels. This morning i found one of the damsels have one of its eyes swollen and puffy and a little white. I mean this one eyeball is huge and puffed up compared to normal. The fish doesnt show any spots or bitemarks or any other...