Search results

  1. cronin

    Spilt Beer?

    I ran the tank with just liverock for about 4 weeks. Added a clown and a cardinal on the 4th week. Added a cleanup crew and 3 small firefish on the 6th week. Had this probelm on the 8th week. Pretty agressive schedule but my water readings have been perfect the whole time and I am positive...
  2. cronin

    Spilt Beer?

    My PH went from 8.4 to well below 8 in less than 3 days. I mean the damn tube was yellow. Not even a tint of purple. I did a 20% water change (55 Gallon tank)as a last ditch effort. It only saved one of my fish. Has anyone else ever had such a drastic PH change?
  3. cronin

    Spilt Beer?

    I had a party Saturday night with about 100 guest. Woke up Sunday late morning. Took a look at the tank around 3:00 pm and half my fish were struggeling and half were dead. I did an emergency water change and checked the water. I found that my PH had dropped off the scale. I checked the PH...
  4. cronin

    Fish for Cleaner Shrimp

    Come on Lord I obviuosly don't want sick fish. Is that the only reason fish will use the cleaner shrimp. In my LFS the cleanershrimp are constantly cleaning fish. Might tell me something about my LFS, maybe some parasites?
  5. cronin

    Fish for Cleaner Shrimp

    Just got a couple of cleaner shrimp from SWF and I would like to put them to work on some fish. I have a cardinal, 3 firefish, and a percula clown. These fish don't seem to like the cleaner shrimp. Any thoughts on what the best reef safe breeds are that will alow the cleaner shrimp to work? I...
  6. cronin

    1 more time

  7. cronin

    More Prizm questions

    Chrismilano: I had a similar problem with my prism when I first got it. I was wet skimming which means water was moving up the cone instead of dry foam. I thought the wider open it was the more it would skim but then I read the directions. You might want to turn down your flow to be barely...
  8. cronin

    Agressive Clown

    I have a tank raised Percula Clown and he is somewhat agressive towards my firefish. It seems like he is just bored and wants to play with someone. He just contantly runs around the tank goofing off. I am thinking about trying to keep an anenome just to keep him entertained. Looks like alot...
  9. cronin

    Live Brine Shrimp

    I did some more research and found that this does not look too dificult. Here is a site with some simple directions: <a href="" target="_blank">web page</a> I think I will give it a try unless someone suggest that it is a huge hassel.
  10. cronin

    Live Brine Shrimp

    Sound like a pain in the rear end. Think I will stick to frozen with the occasional brine treat. Thanks Mac!
  11. cronin

    Live Brine Shrimp

    My Cardinal Fish only seems to be eating live brine shimp (he loves it). Anybody ever start a small tank for just brine shrimp? What if any filtration and lighting would I need? I just can't go to my LFS every week. Thanx, Cronin
  12. cronin

    Cardinal Fish not eating well?

    Got some live brine at the lfs and worked like a charm. Thanks all!
  13. cronin

    Cardinal Fish not eating well?

    I purchased a clown and a cardinal fish about 10 days ago and the cardinal does not seem to be eating. I have tried: frozen squid, frozen brine shrimp, a combination frozen food, and flake (although apparently they will not eat flake). I saw this fish eat frozen squid in the lfs. He still...
  14. cronin

    Growing Rock to start my reef?

    Hi All (sorry about the length), but I am brand new to the salt water aquarium hobby and I am trying to start with a reef tank. Here is my setup: 55 Gallon 3 inch bed of sand with a cm live sand on top 20 lbs of pourus rock taken out of a fresh water tank. 10 lbs of live fiji rock. Magnum 350...