Search results

  1. cogreywolf

    Use of a UV Sterilizer and Brand

    Poiboy, Funny you mention that brand. I just recently bought a Tropical Marine Centre 25W Vecton UV Sterilizer. I was told after I bought it, that this brand was no good. I was told that the plastic breaks down with time, due to the exposure to the UV light. Eventually, the sterilizer will...
  2. cogreywolf

    Use of a UV Sterilizer and Brand

    I am in the process of setting up a new tank and am considering adding a quality UV Sterilizer to the setup. My question is will the UV Sterilizer inhibit new coraline algae growth? Secondly, I have heard the only quality UV Sterilizer on the market is made by Tetra. I heard that plastic...
  3. cogreywolf

    Washing my Livesand

    What would you do if you couldn't leave both systems running. My new 75 gallon tank will be sitting on the 65 gallon tanks stand. My situation is that I will be completely tearing down my 65 and setting up my 75. Does anyone think it is possible to skip a mini or complete cycle...
  4. cogreywolf

    Washing my Livesand

    I have a major problem if this tank decides to cycle again. I am taking down my 65 gallon tank and putting up a new 75 gallon tank. I currently have livestock in the 65 gallon tank. I was hoping with the live sand, live rock, established bioballs, and a new Euro Reef CS6-1 skimmer, that I...
  5. cogreywolf

    Washing my Livesand

    I am in the process of upgrading my 60 gallon to a 75 gallon tank. When I pull the live sand out of the 60 gallon tank, should I rinse the sand with saltwater from my tank, to stir up all of the detris and debris? Or should I just scoop it into my new tank? Lastly, for a FOWLR, should I have a...
  6. cogreywolf

    Testing out RIO 14 HF

    Well, I am in the process of setting a new glass 75 gallon FOWLR Tank. I am going to test out two Rio 14 HF pumps. They pump around 600 GPH each at 0' head. My LFS expert said he has not heard anything bad about them yet. If anyone out there knows differently, please let me know before I set...
  7. cogreywolf

    Will the Berlin System work for me?

    TangMan99, I could definately use your help. Please read and respond accordingly. Review my plans. I currently run a 65 gallon seaclear system II acrylic aquarium, with a hangon Prizm Protein Skimmer. Two in ank powerheads for water flow. 260 Watts of Powercompacts. I have a two inch sand...
  8. cogreywolf

    Will the Berlin System work for me?

    Here is my major fear. I am transferring some of these fish from an existing setup. My live rock and live sand are from an established tank. What should I do with my fish. Should I keep some bioballs in the wetdry and slowly work them out or just move my entire system II setup into the new...
  9. cogreywolf

    Will the Berlin System work for me?

    I am thinking of putting more live rock in the sump for more biological filtration. I wouldn't say I am going to put lots of fish. Approximately 6 fish. How many inches of fish can I have in a 75 gallon setup with the berlin system. Would it be possible to have one 3 inch fish, three 2 inch...
  10. cogreywolf

    Will the Berlin System work for me?

    My LFS is trying to sell me a Euro Fil 180 sump without a bioball chamber for my new 75 gallon tank. All it has is a sack for the water to flow through. From my understanding, this is the Berlin filtration method. My tank will consist of a deep sand bed, 1lb of live rock per gallon. I don't...
  11. cogreywolf

    Sump Wanted

    I don't think I could do a DIY sump. I don't have the space or tools to work on it. I think it would save me alot of money but it would turn into the "Elementary School Birdhouse project". I am fairly new to this hobby (2 years), and would hate to have a major screw up.:confused:
  12. cogreywolf

    Sump Wanted

    I am looking for a sump similiar to the 180 Euro Fil. Looking for around 1200 gallon per hour capacity. Dimensions approximately 30" long x 12" wide x 16" high. Email me at
  13. cogreywolf

    FS/FT: Sumps and Large Skimmers

    I am very interested in the sump. I am setting up a 75 gallon with built-in overflow. How many gallons per hour is this sump rated at? Dimensions? Is it possible to see it in person? I am close by. Thanks Michael email me at
  14. cogreywolf

    DSB for FOWLR

    I am in the process of setting up a 75 gallon FOWLR. Is it okay to do a DSB for a fish only tank? Will 4 inches of live sand be enough for a DSB? Should I keep any sandsifting stars in the tank to help keep the top layer clean or just keep crabs and snails? Are there any tips on setting up...
  15. cogreywolf

    Comments on what skimmer to buy

    The wet dry is 24" long and 8" wide and 14" tall. The area where the bioballs are is 16" long.
  16. cogreywolf

    Comments on what skimmer to buy

    I am setting up a 75 gallon FOWLR. The tank has a built-in overflow with an Amiracle sump. The tank has an additional 4 returns through the tank. I plan on getting two Sedra pumps for my returns. Both will be external. I am limited on space, so What protein skimmer would you recommend for...
  17. cogreywolf

    Ultimate 75 Gallon Setup

    I need some help customizing my new 75 gallon Glass aquarium. So far, I am considering having a built-in overflow in the center and having two returns coming out of the overflow. The overflow will head down to my Amiracle wet/dry. How big a pump should I get? Do I need more powerheads in...
  18. cogreywolf

    Wanted: 70-80 Gallon Glass Tank

    Looking for a custom 75 gallon glass aquarium with a built-in overflow. Preferably with built-in returns as well. 48" length and width of 15" preferred. In the Los Angeles area. Willing to drive a little. Please respond. Can reach me at
  19. cogreywolf

    7-10 Gallon Aquarium Wanted

    I am looking to start a nano-reef. If anyone has a 7-10 gallon acrylic or glass aquarium for sale, please let me know. I am specifically looking for a 7 gallon glass bowfront. Thanks Michael
  20. cogreywolf

    Anyone use a denitrator?

    Kris, I have never used a denitrator before, but have heard good things from some of my LFS. I know that it starts off at a slow drip but as the denitrator ages, the flow is adjusted to a higher flow rate. I have been looking for one myself. If you decide not to use it. Let me know. Michael:)