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  1. cogreywolf

    Some Pictures of my Tank

    Curing this guy from Severe HLLE.
  2. cogreywolf

    Some Pictures of my Tank

    Pic #3
  3. cogreywolf

    Some Pictures of my Tank

    Picture #2
  4. cogreywolf

    Some Pictures of my Tank

    Had to borrow the business camera to take these. Hope you like them. Also dealing with a Hair Algae problem at the moment.
  5. cogreywolf

    Complete cure to HLLE?

    Here is the situation. I just upgraded tanks and moved all of my livestock, live sand and live rock over. Went from a 60 gallon to a 75 gallon. I have the following fish load in this tank. (1) Black Tang (3") (1) Chevron Tang (2") (1) Majestic Angel (2") (1) Flame Angel (1") (1) Neon...
  6. cogreywolf

    Complete cure to HLLE?

    A picture of the HLLE. Let me know what you think.
  7. cogreywolf

    Complete cure to HLLE?

    Thanks for the help Beth. I am kinda worried about removing the bioballs in my tank. I feel that a FOWLR needs bioballs. I don't know if my live rock/sand and protein skimmer could sustain my setup. I was thinking of removing the bioballs and putting in a fluidized bed. This way, no waste...
  8. cogreywolf

    Complete cure to HLLE?

    I will be sure not to overdose of the vitamins. My DSB is 5 inches deep. I am planning on adding a live sand activator kit to add more life. I will test my incoming water for phosphates on my next water change. How often do you recommend water changes? I currently am doing10 gallons every...
  9. cogreywolf

    Complete cure to HLLE?

    Okay, I added macro algae today for my tang to graze on all day. I also purchased vitamin C supplement to go with my Zoe, and Zoecon. I also tested my phosphates today for the first time and got a reading of 0.25- 0.5. From what I can tell, I think this is high, but am not sure. Any...
  10. cogreywolf

    Complete cure to HLLE?

    My tank has a brand new DSB with 3" of oolitic agronite sand and 2" of live sand on top of it. It is only about 1 week old. Hope to see some results in 2 months. My setup is a 75 gallon with builtin overflow. I have a Euro Fil 180 sump with a bag filter, a Euro Reef CS6-1 protein skimmer...
  11. cogreywolf

    Complete cure to HLLE?

    I have lots of established live rock in the tank for the tangs to graze on. I will start to provide him with macro algae so that he can graze all day. As far as testing goes, my nitrites are 0, nitrates are 50 ppm, but I have never tested my phosphates. I am hoping that with a DSB and regular...
  12. cogreywolf

    Complete cure to HLLE?

    I will try and get a picture up next week. Will have to borrow the business camera. So should I move the grounding probe from the sump to the tank or do you think I should have one in the sump and one in the tank? As far as grazing habbits go, no he doesn't have all day grazing habbits? I...
  13. cogreywolf

    Complete cure to HLLE?

    I purchase a black tang about 5 months ago from a LFS. The fish had severe HLLE. Anyway, I have been feeding him sheets of Marine algae, frozen brine/squid/bloodworms. I soak the frozen food in Zoecon and Zoe. The tang has made small improvements over the past 5 months, but there is still a...
  14. cogreywolf

    Southbay Protein Simmer

    I recently upgraded my tank and system to a 75 gallon setup. Transferred all my live rock and sand to new tank, and had a mini-cycle. Anyway, the cycle finished and I turned on my protein skimmer and I can't get it to produce any waste yet. It has been on for 48 hours. Does anyone have any...
  15. cogreywolf

    Quick Response on Setup Needed

    Replacing my 1 year old 60 FOWLR with a new 75 FOWLR. I am moving all my LR and establish bioballs over, but have decided to go with a new DSB for my 75 FOWLR. I bought 120lbs of Carib Sea Oolitic sand to create a DSB. Do you think I should seed the Oolitic sand with sand from my 60 gallon...
  16. cogreywolf

    Aquarium Insurance

    That was my biggest concern. I would be sad to lose my aquarium, but I would freaked out if my aquarium destroyed my landlords apartment complex. I am willing to give up the loss of my aquarium as long as the damage it may cause is covered. I think to cover the loss of the aquarium it self...
  17. cogreywolf

    Aquarium Insurance

    I just purchased the insurance myself, and it looks really good. I even had my mother who wrote insurance years back take a look at it and she said it looked good. If your interested, the website is: (800) 337-0331 They cover aquariums too. If you call them, ask for...
  18. cogreywolf

    Aquarium Insurance

    Just did a little research and found a company in Idaho that writes policies for aquariums and waterbeds. For $50/year, they cover you with a liability of $150K. I am getting a copy of the policy as we speak. I hope this works. Cause I am freaked my aquarium is going to crash through my...
  19. cogreywolf

    Aquarium Insurance

    Does anyone out there know if I can purchase aquarium insurance. I am setting up a 75 FOWLER, in my 2nd floor apartment. I am kinda freakin out about the weight and possible floods. Can you purchase aquarium insurance with renters insurance or separate? Please help.
  20. cogreywolf

    Golden Butterfly in a 75 Gallon

    Wanted to get everyones input before I make a mistake. I really like the Golden Butterfly. I want to purchase the smallest possible one I can find and put it in my 75 FOWLR. Is this possible, or am I asking for trouble? I think I heard somewhere that they do better in pairs? Can I keep a...