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  1. keperman01

    need help in water levels

    well i have had the tank set up for about 6 months now and i have had the clown fish about ever sense. I don't recall aclimating it b/c i didnt know what it was at the time but now i do well another fish that died was my yellow tang....i had him for about 6 days and he died....i aclimated him...
  2. keperman01

    need help in water levels

    how about 1.024 well i have 1 molly( yes i know ) 1 clown, 1 zebra damsel , 1 domino damsel and 1 blue damsel.....and a crab and a starfish
  3. keperman01

    need help in water levels

    how about 1.024
  4. keperman01

    need help in water levels

    well do these water levels look correct to you guys? Nitrate=0- 0.5 Ammonia=0 Ph=8.2 Nitrite=0 Salinity= 32 well i am asking this b/c last sunday one of my clownfish had a film covereed in it and then the next thing i knew it was dead, i have killed a few fish and i amd starting to get...
  5. keperman01

    Confused about a protein skimmer

    hey I hear all these threads about what protein skimmers but i dont know what they are for can someone kinda explain to me how they work and if i should have one?!!?! thanks
  6. keperman01

    yellow tang dead

    at the begining there was one damsle that was a little hostle at him but he settled down after a day. the tang is very small prob about 1 inch by 1 inch. Today i cannot get the water parometers b/c its thanksgiving day and i dont have anything to test my water with( i go to the LFS) This was...
  7. keperman01

    yellow tang dead

    so i wake up this morning and i find my yellow tang dead in the corner of my tank. I just got the fish sunday , alimated it for and hour and put it in with two clown , blue,zebra,and domino damsle... I am very frusterated b/c i do not like to kill innocent animals please help on what to do. I...
  8. keperman01

    instant ocean?

    well alrighty i will have to try this , seems like a peice of cake. "as long as you have a hydrometer or better a refractometer, RO water" Tom..... first all thanks for all the help that you have gave me in many threads.....and second what is a hydrometer, refractometer, and RO water. right now...
  9. keperman01

    instant ocean?

    for the past 4-5 months i have been buying my water for 65 cents p/g and i noticed that you can mix you own for 50 bucks which makes 200 gallons, i never tried for fear i would kill my fish. How hard is this to make, can you use your tap water or will the cholrine kill the fish does this...
  10. keperman01

    advise on fish

    well thank you so much, i never knew that about those little guys......any ideas what i could add cuz they are only like 6 months old
  11. keperman01

    advise on fish

    hahaha i get the point, that is why im asking questions guys, so if you recomend somthing that would be awesome
  12. keperman01

    advise on fish

    well right now i have 2 clown, 1 molly, 1 blue damnsle, 1 zebra damsle and 1 domino damsle. I am looking for a some what inexpensive fish that would be a great attribute to my 55 gallon tank....if anyone has sugestions please let me know.....thanks!
  13. keperman01


    the local petland told me that a mollie would help my algae??... i take it this is incorrect.... well i have alittle green algae growing on the bottom and i think i might get nassarius snails and some scarlet you support my choice?!?!?!.....well sorry about the stupidity thanks Thomas
  14. keperman01

    blue leg hermit crabs

    alright thanks, i just found some of those aswell
  15. keperman01

    blue leg hermit crabs seems like you always answer my questions .....are you the same person? well i just got a mollie ....will it help at all? i need some snails i believe but will the eat of the bottom of sand?
  16. keperman01

    alright seems like you always answer my questions .....are you the same person? well i just got a mollie ....will it help at all? i need some snails i believe but will the eat of the bottom of sand?
  17. keperman01

    blue leg hermit crabs

    i have a 55 g and i found a deal on the internet for 50 for 25 bucks that to many for my tank because i am starting to grow algae pretty fast i found Golden astrea snails..... are any of these good????...........thanks for the help!
  18. keperman01

    Southdown playsand

    well i just purchased quickcrete and put it in my 55g and for right now my fish seem very happy..........will anything happen
  19. keperman01

    Need help quick!!!!

    yes i am adding normal lighting, is this a big deal? now that i woke up this morning its a little worse, is there a chemical or anything i could use?
  20. keperman01

    Need help quick!!!!

    that is what i was think but how should i get rid of it