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  1. brendac

    Butterfly Question

    I want to know if a Golden Stripe Maroon Clown and a Racoon Butterfly will get along Ok
  2. brendac

    BTA Question

    How often should I feed my BTA that is not hosted by a clown? and about how much food?
  3. brendac

    LS Dust Question

    I just noticed when I went to move a LR in my tank on the bottom of my LS... that I got up sand dust.As a matter of fact any thing that I would move thats sitting on my LS I get up a small amount of sand dust...Is this normal? And would that sand dust thats under the sand give you a nitrate...
  4. brendac

    Calcium Question

    Being my aquarium is only a FOWLR do I need to test for calcium?
  5. brendac


    Whar brand test kits do you use?
  6. brendac

    Water Change For Nitrates

    How long bettween water changes should I wait to do another one? Nitrates were at 80...I did a water change of 42g in my 125g tank and now its at 30. How many gallons should I take out next time? Trying to get my Nitrates lower.
  7. brendac

    Nitrates Has Dropped

    I just did a water change and took out 42 gallons. Im the one that had a nitrate reading of 80. Now the nitrate reading is 30 :jumping: I would like to know how long do I need to wait to do another water change? and how many gallons should I take out to lower it back to 0?? My tank is 125g...
  8. brendac

    Please Help Me

    Will SeedWeed cause a nitrate spike if not removed?? And a ammonia reading of 0.25 My nitrates are 80 and Im gonna do like 40 gallon water change in my 125g...Will this bring the nates down? Real nice timing cause I have a Clown fish coming on tuesday
  9. brendac

    SeaWeed Selects

    Will SeaWeed(Red Marine Algae)if not removed cause nitrates to go high and ammonia to raise slightly? I think I have done a stupid thing cause I put some of that stuff in and never took it out... Now I see that my nitrates are reading 80 and ammonia 0.25. I have posted about my ammonia being at...
  10. brendac

    Nitrates At 80

    Just checked my nitates and its at 80...How many gallons should I take out of the aquarium to get it back down at a safe level??It is 125g... And how long after the water change is done should I see a nitrate drop?
  11. brendac

    No Fish..But Ammonia Reading?

    Im so worried because I have a golden strip maroon clown coming to me on tuesday and I have just tested my water and very odd cause I have no fish in there...I only have Invertabrates and a anemone in my tank.My aquarium is 125g and about 1 week ago I did a water change of 18g just because I...
  12. brendac

    Help On Water Change

    That is the one Im using... Is thetre a better one?? If so what is it called?
  13. brendac

    Help On Water Change

    But there is something I dont understand.I have no fish in there at all.I only have invertabrates in there and a anemone...thats all.My ammonia alert card that hangs on the inside is a dark yellow(safe zone) yet when I tested the water myself it reads 0.25.How can I have ammonia with nothing in...
  14. brendac

    Help On Water Change

    How many gallons should I take out of my 125g aquarium for a water change? I have a ammonia reading of 0.25 and have a fish coming here on Tuesday
  15. brendac

    Vacuum LS?

    Are you suppose to vaccum LS?
  16. brendac

    Saltinity Adjust

    I have a question to ask about fish that are shipped. Lets say for instants that the water with the fish in it...The saltinity is 1.025 but my aquarium water is 1.023...Would I need to actually adjust my aquarium water to the bag that the fisj is in to 1.025??
  17. brendac

    Correct Temp

    What is a good Temp to keep my Aquarium at? Is 82 too high?
  18. brendac

    Im Tired Of My Fish Dieing: Help

    Thanks DogStar... I bet it is the salt level.See until recently I used a hydrometer and that always said 1.023...When it really was 1.028 cause I bought the Refractometer and was so suprised to see such a high reading. I doubt that the shipping places have it that high. I will check the...
  19. brendac

    Im Tired Of My Fish Dieing: Help

    Yes as I got each Clown it would host the BTA... Im sure its a BTA. At first for about a day or so the fish is fine...Then all of a sudden starts swimming upside down and just losses its balance and runs into things. Then before you know it the fish is on the bottom dieing. No marks on the...
  20. brendac

    Please Go To Post

    Please go back to post: Im Tired Of My Fish Dieing:Help I have made a reply