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  1. brendac

    How Do You Do Use Them?

    I have all Salifert test kits and I think I have been doin my testing all wrong. The little shringes that come with each kit do you put the recommended amount of water in the shringe.. Then use those shringes to fill up the little clear plastic bottle to the recommended amount of water listed...
  2. brendac

    Compatibility chart

    Does have a compatibility chart and if they do where and how do I get to it? Also can I keep a dwarf angel and full size angel together?
  3. brendac

    Compatibility Question

    Can I keep the following in the same 125g aquarium.. Yellow Tang .. Maroon Clown .. Flame Angel .. and either a Threadfin Butterfly or a Raccoon Butterfly? Which Butterfly would be the best? Compatibility charts say I can .. But what do you think.. Dont wanna do the wrong thing
  4. brendac

    Purple Tang .. Yellow Tang

    What is the max number of yellow tangs that I can have in a 125g aquarium? Also will a purple tang get along ok with the yellow tangs? I really love the yellow tangs and that purple.. Very Bright in color.
  5. brendac

    Math Question

    How many gallons would be 25% out of 125g aquarium? Im taking out 10 gallons every week.. But my nitrates are about 40 and wont budge any.
  6. brendac

    Compatable question

    I want to order some fish from this site.. before I do I need to ask a question first. I have got 2 large yellow tangs in my 125g along with 1 golden stripe maroon clown.. Thinking about ordering 3 more yellow tangs and a flame angel.. Will 5 tangs and a flame angel get along? I know the maroon...
  7. brendac

    Can I Add These Together?

    I have 2 large yellow tangs and a golden strip maroon clown in my 125g. I want to place an order for a threadfin butterfly and a flame angel.. Will they all get along? Wanna place the order tonight if they will. I have had the 2 tangs and clown in there now for almost 2 months
  8. brendac

    Tangs Was Stung

    Well they dont swim well.. very woobly. They were always next to the anemone. It it a BTA that my clown host. The body is affected as well..They got stung pretty bad over a period of time I believe.
  9. brendac

    Tangs Was Stung

    I looked at the disease section and pics. My Tangs 2 of them has gotten stung by the anemone.. Will they heal up and the spots go away? The one got stung alot I think.. They dont seem to eat but then again they might be picking at the LR.. They both stay in the back.. Will They heal???
  10. brendac

    Cleaner VS Fire Shrimp

    What one is best at cleaning your fish up? The Cleaner Shrimp(Skunk) or the Fire Shrimp? and cant I have more then one Fire Shrimp?
  11. brendac

    Brown Spots On Tang

    What is this on my yellow tang?? Its brown dots through its body. I do have a anemone and he sits right near it while my clown host it.. Could it be stinging him? I attached a pic.. But I dont know if you can make it out or not.
  12. brendac

    Anemones Sting

    I would like to know if there any anemones that do not sting other fish.. and that a golden strip maroon clown might host? Thanks in advance
  13. brendac

    Are They Dead??

    Ok..Thanks so much
  14. brendac

    Are They Dead??

    I did not put them in a bowl to let them burp.. But I did a 2 hour acclimation.. Will they still be Ok??
  15. brendac

    Are They Dead??

    How in the world can I tell if my cleaner clams are dead? I have 15 of them.. Just got them in yesterday.. They all stay and have not moved from the spot I put them .. when I added them in yesterday. I did a acclimation of 2 hours in a bucket with them .. adding my aquarium water through a hose...
  16. brendac

    Mexican Turbo and Claner Clams Help!!!!

    Yes I have right now around 15 hermit crabs But I guess its live and learn on that one.. The acclimation was for 2 hours in a bucket putting water from the aquarium in the bucket with a hose dripping slow.
  17. brendac

    Mexican Turbo and Claner Clams Help!!!!

    What could have happened to some of my Mexican Turbo Snails.. all thats left is the shell.. The white part that they climb with is gone? about 5 of them are dead with only the shell left. Could my Yellow Tangs had ate them? Also I just got today 15 Cleaner Clams that help with nitrates.. So far...
  18. brendac

    UV Sterilizer

    Thank Goodness cause I have one coming
  19. brendac

    UV Sterilizer

    Is a coralife turbo twist ultraviolet uv sterilizer any good?
  20. brendac

    Cleaner Clams And Cleaner Shrimp

    Im wanting to buy a couple of cleaner clams..Is there anything special that I need to do becides acclimation befor adding them to the aquarium? Also Im gonna get a few cleaner shrimp..Witch is better for cleaning fish.. fire red or the skunk shrimp? Thanks for the help in advance.