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  1. brendac


    My LR looks unhealthy to me... It is a rusty red color and dont look too darn nice. Could this be bad LR? The rusty color has got on my sand from that stupid rock. Also my clownfish was staying at the surface of the water and not moving... My husband turned the powerheads up alot and now he has...
  2. brendac

    Help Whats going On

    No signs of ick. he just stays at the top of the surface more or less. If he dies(not sure if anything is wrong yet) can I then put another fish in the same aquarium? he is the only one in there so far. PH 8.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 Saltinity 1.023 Temp 82.6
  3. brendac

    Help Whats going On

    What would make my maroon clownfish stay at the surface of the water? I do have a protein skimmer and 3 powerheads in my 125g one powerhead on each side and one in the middle, but we turned the powerhead off that is in the middle cause the protein skimmer gives oxygen too and thought that was...
  4. brendac

    Help Please

    Maybe my post... Anemone Under A Rock... was not looked at yet. Could someone please read it and let me know... My Anemone is like right under my rock work... Shouild I remove this rock work and bring him out in the open? And will a white strip maroon and a golden strip maroon get along?
  5. brendac

    Anemone Under A Rock??

    I have 2 questions to ask. First I have a maroon clownfish with white stripes and I would like to put a maroon in with golden stripes... will they get along? should the one Im going to get be smaller or bigger then the one I have in there already? I have a bubble tip that came yesterday from...
  6. brendac


    My new bubble tip is laying on its side... should I move him so he is upright?
  7. brendac

    My Order And Questions

    My oder came today from everything is doing just wonderful!! I do have 2 questions to ask... My bubble tip anemone is doing good but it is like sitting on its side right up against my rock work pushing like as far back to the rocks as it can.... with its tectiles(not sure of the...
  8. brendac


    I would like to know is a refractormeter(excuss the spelling) a digital device?
  9. brendac

    How To Feed A Anemone

    Thanks so much
  10. brendac

    How To Feed A Anemone

    I was wondering what kind and type of food Im supposre to feed a Bubble Tip Anemone?Is shrimp pellets Ok? and if so how do I give them to the Bubble Tip?
  11. brendac

    Bubble Tip And Lighting

    How many hours a day should I keep my lights on for my bubble tip anemone?
  12. brendac

    Bubble Tip Anemone

    Can I put a Mushroom Polyp Green Ricordea coral in the same aquarium with a bubble tip anemone??
  13. brendac

    Clown Fish

    I need some advice. Tomorrow we are going to Union Aquarium to buy a Coralife Protein Skimmer. My 125g aquarium has finished its cycle just about 2 days ago. I have now 4 shrimp in there along with a few hermits and a few snails. We want to go back tomorrow and get our 2 clown fish to start out...
  14. brendac

    You Don't Need To Use Damsels To Cycle Your Tank!!!!!

    I used 3 raw shrimp to cycle my 125g and it took close to 3 weeks... Its all done now. I had 157 pounds of LR and Sand... but my sand is not live. I agree about not using damsels or any other kind of fish for that matter... poor things they dont ask to suffer like that.
  15. brendac

    Inverbrates Etc

    a mixture of different ones
  16. brendac

    Protein skimmer

    Anyone know if the Queen Turbo Skimmer is any good for a protein skimmer?
  17. brendac

    Inverbrates Etc

    I want to ask 2 questions first off can I add all my Inverbrates that Im gonna use for my cleaners all at the same time? I figured I will get around 20 to 25 cleaners... My 125g has finished cycling(FINALLY) Also is the protein skimmer called Queen Tubo Skimmer any good? Thanks alot Is 20 to 25...
  18. brendac

    Correct Way For Water Changes

    Thanks Im slowly catching on to this stuff :cheer:
  19. brendac

    Correct Way For Water Changes

    Got a question about water changes. First off I use RO water for my water changes of 30 gallons out of a 125g aquarium. Do I need to like 2 days before I do a water change fill up my old tank that is 30g add my salt and a powerhead and my old heater and allow it to run for a few days before...
  20. brendac

    Help Nothing Going Right
