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  1. jpence151

    Connecting two tanks

    Looking for anyone who might have tried this. I want to know if it is a mistake before I do it. I have a 120 gal and a 45 gal tank. with my 120 I have two wet/dry's connected as shown in the pic, with a skimmer in each. Each wet/dry should handle a 150 from what my lfs told me. I bought the...
  2. jpence151

    Moving an Aquarium

    This is what I was hoping... Don't remember having problems before, but I gave the hobbie up because my tank from 15 years ago crashed with some very nice fish that I had for a few years. I didn't want this to happen again even thought it's a new setup. Just don't want to stress the fish more...
  3. jpence151

    Moving an Aquarium

    Hi, I am a second time newbie. Although I have had aquariums in the past (15 years ago, 80, 2x50's) I am know watching things more closely. I am Moving a 120 gal. to another wall. Here's the setup 120 gal with two wet/dry filters (150 gal each) with one running skimmer. 50# of LR. 2 x...