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  1. nicetanknofish

    can i add these?

    here are my readings pH 8.2 ammonia 0 alk 3.5 trite 0.2 trate 0 sg 1.024
  2. nicetanknofish

    can i add these?

    sorry, 75g all water levels have been checked once weekly and are all in normal range.
  3. nicetanknofish

    can i add these?

    i have a new tank fully cycled, had 5 damsels, took them out to add "real" fish. what i have right now is a star, not sure of the name but it is brown with orange little spots on it, 12 hermit crabs and 10 nasarius snails, 1 cleaner shrimp (large), 2 pepermint shrimp. had a pair of percula...
  4. nicetanknofish

    help regarding perculas

    i have a new tank, (cycled and all) purchased 2 percula clowns, they paired up very quick. problem is 1 got brooklynella within 4 days of arriving home, i started treatment in hospital tank (both clowns) the sick one died within hours, the other clown seens to be fine, it just sits on the bottom...