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  1. inawe

    Light question

    Thanks, ya'll...lights on! cc in tx
  2. inawe

    Cleaning tank before full cycle?

    Do not vaccum...EVER? Water change from top of tank only? Also, looking at the box my powerhead came is a JBJ submersible SP 1800. All it tells me is for the the flow is about 100 L/H (i assume liters per hr?), with a lift of a little over 1.0 m (meters?). My tank is 37g, about 22...
  3. inawe

    Cleaning tank before full cycle?

    I've just restarted my 37g tank with dsb. Added fish food for last couple of days. It hasn't started it's cycle yet, so I wanted to get opinions before it did. The first time around my tank had begun to look pretty good, although the levels were high and the cc I had was horrid, so I took the...
  4. inawe

    Light question

    After reading here and I need to keep my lights off during the cycling period? And my powerhead...on or off? No fish...just LR and sand. cc in tx
  5. inawe

    Hitchhiker in new tank

    While carefully studying my rock I discovered something living in it. I can't tell what it is, but from the end I see it looks like one of those worm things from that old Kevin Bacon movie (Tremors?), but it could be some sort of clam...maybe? It kinda opens a little, then closes when I shine...
  6. inawe


    I am VERY new to this, and seem to learn better by mistakes, so other than this one piece I am not qualified to give advice...NO FISH YET! I've already made that mistake! Spent 3 months spending needless money and chasing my tail (which I NEVER caught) and feeling horrible guilt over almost...
  7. inawe

    Desperate-please advise

    I've had my 37 gal. tank for 3 months. Crashed it (I used tap water and I think mine is bad). I stupidly put in 3 clowns and now I know that was a bad thing. Anyway, they had been temporarily relocated and I have completely started over. I went from cc to sand, and am using RO water. I put...
  8. inawe

    What is this thing on my LR?

    I am very new to all this, and my first attempt was an awful experience, but I have learned a great deal from reading ALOT on this forum, as well as others. To make a long story short...I have temporarily rehoused my 3 little clowns, and am about to completely change out my tank. I am going...
  9. inawe

    Need advice on 2 month old tank

    One more (or maybe two) questions... 1 - I'm understanding in addition to redoing all the water, adding a bunch more LR, and continuing with the patience, I need a skimmer...right? And I can go with the prizm and be ok? 2 - I think since I have the Eclipse, and even I have wondered about the...
  10. inawe

    LR sources

    LFS sells lr for 11.99 lb. Suggestions on better source that is reliable?
  11. inawe

    Need advice on 2 month old tank

    Thanks for all the posts and info on reading. I think I am headed towards some major changes with my tank. Lesson learned!
  12. inawe

    Need advice on 2 month old tank

    A couple more questions... 1. What do you mean by curing LR? 2. When should I think about a clean up crew? Does that need to wait until the tank completely cycles? 3. So I put my clowns in the 3 gal. tank and do water changes often...about a third? and what is "often"?
  13. inawe

    Need advice on 2 month old tank

    Thanks, ya'll for the posts. I think a full water change seems appropriate. My daughter has a 3 gal eclipse she never used. Can I put some of the water from my tank in it, and board my clowns there for a few days while I start things over?
  14. inawe

    Need advice on 2 month old tank

    I need some help, please! I bought a tank about 2+ months ago, and it still looks yuck. Maybe I'm not being patient enough, but if that's the case, someone please tell me. I have a 37 gal tank with Eclipse bio wheel. Crushed coral, limited live rock, and 3 clowns. I would have done things...