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  1. smshep01

    Avatar help

    thank you for the help :happy:
  2. smshep01

    Avatar help

    Nevermind I figured it out lol.
  3. smshep01

    Protien Skimmers ??

    With my tank just starting out with just LR and LS, nothing else in it.... Will I need a Protien Skimmer right away or wait until my LR has established and the tank has cycled?
  4. smshep01

    Can I get yet another answer lol

    Cool I will try that this evening when I get in from work thanks!
  5. smshep01

    Avatar help

    Ok I see everyone with an avatar to their names and have a pic I would like to use but do not know how to upload it or link it so it comes up? Can anyone help me out? lol I starting to get the hang of all this lol. Sheppie
  6. smshep01

    Can I get yet another answer lol

    Well the rock I am talking about looks to be at one time either coral or came from the water. Can't really tell you what it is but I know it isn't just plain rock you find in the ground. Would that be ok?
  7. smshep01

    Thanks for all your help and straightening me out. All this info is very helpful
  8. smshep01

    Can I get yet another answer lol

    Ok That's great. Next quesiton for same subject....My brother gave us this whole tank set up. There are 2 nice sized Base Rock that came with everything, but were used in fresh water tank. Will it be ok to put these in the salt water tank and is there anything I need to do to these rock to...
  9. smshep01

    Can I get yet another answer lol

    LOL I really do love this thing... Ok next question....What is the difference between Base Rock and Live Rock. I know what LR is and what it's function is. Is base rock just dead rock used for foundationing and serves as the bottom of the LR or is Base Rock the actual flooring material used to...
  10. smshep01

    Cool! Thanks for your insight! :happy:
  11. smshep01

    NewGuy has yet more quesitons lol

    Well first and foremost, I want to thank you all for your insight and input. I know each has varying opinions on here and I do take that into consideration. I feel that everyone that has responded to me has given me a lot of info even if others do not see eye to eye on some things. But thanks...
  12. smshep01

    Ok I have been to this Message Board now for 2 days and still confused. lol What exactly is a Nano tank? Sorry for being so lame, I'm new to the whole salt water community. Shep
  13. smshep01

    New Guy Looking For Advice

    Ok that is what I thought. I just wanted to be sure. Thanks for the info and help.
  14. smshep01

    New Guy Looking For Advice

    Yes it helps a lot. I am going to the LPS this weekend to get the LR and add it to the tank. I will let it cycle for a couple weeks then go from there. Do I need to let the LR and LS cycle 1st before I add the snails, shrimp and crabs? From what I am reading the answer is yes, but want to be...
  15. smshep01

    NewGuy has yet more quesitons lol

    Ok I will see about getting the uncured LR at the LPS. Once I get it home, I will need to cure it in a bucket before I put it in the tank correct? Or can I put it in the tank (provided my chemical parameters are correct pH, Nitrites, Nitrates, Ammonia) or seeings how it is uncured, will that...
  16. smshep01

    NewGuy has yet more quesitons lol

    I will have to go to the LPS this weekend to look at what the wattage will be on the light. I looked this morning, before i came to work, on the bulb to see and it didn't tell me. I will have to pick up the LR and power jets this weekend anyways so I can look then and have a better idea. The...
  17. smshep01

    New Guy Looking For Advice

    I am not currently going to add anything to my tank (i.e. fish or anemone) until after the tank has cycled. I am going to add LR and 2 power jets this weekend. Just trying to get an idea of what to do once I get the tank established and well cycled. Just planning ahead is all. How long would...
  18. smshep01

    NewGuy has yet more quesitons lol

    The light I currently have is a 24" 10,000K Flourescent bulb (paid like $30.00 for it) I know I will have to go with a stronger bulb eventually but was told this one will do fine for LR, LS and fish. How long will I need to run the tank before I add the LR? I started the tank up this past...
  19. smshep01

    New Guy Looking For Advice

    I am new to the salt water scene and getting ready to add LR this weekend to my tank. I have LS and water in the tank so far. After the cycling is done and I am ready to add fish, the first couple fish I am going to add is the Percula Clown. I have a 29 gallon tank. I have a 10,000K Reef...
  20. smshep01

    NewGuy has yet more quesitons lol

    Im not even sure that it is CC. The guy at the pet shop said to get this sand that was sugar sized in a 30 lb bag and I do not remember if it is CC or just regular sand but it is sand granuls and not rocky. The LS I put on top was 15 lbs. The guy at the LPS apparently has been building them...