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  1. sidos

    coral suggestions

    anyone have any suggestions for some good beginner corals
  2. sidos

    clown bully

    cool, thanks. they were the same size when i got them now one is a little bigger
  3. sidos

    clown bully

    I have 2 ocellaris clowns, i got them about 3 weeks ago. for the first week they were fine after that one started bullying the other, always chasing it behind the rocks. they are the only 2 fish in the tank. is this normal behavior or do i need to intervene somehow?
  4. sidos


    new lights and first fish
  5. sidos

    power out

    i'm at work but i know the power went out at my house 4 hours ago, should i be worried about my fish? city doesn't know when theywill get the power back on.
  6. sidos

    green chromis

    do you think 3 green chromis will school in my 58g?
  7. sidos

    tips for taking pic's?

    i have the same camera, and would like to know also if anyone has any tips for good pictures
  8. sidos

    cycle ?

    so after a week, i still don't see any ammonia or nitrite but i am getting nitrates, is it possible the live rock i got already had a good growth of bacteria on it already or should i try to add a raw shrimp and see if i get an ammonia spike?
  9. sidos

    cycle ?

    58g tank with 85 lb of lr, put it on the 10th and havn't seen any ammonia on my tests
  10. sidos

    cycle ?

    how long after i put uncured lr in my tank (empty tank, nothing living in there yet) will i start to see an ammonia spike?
  11. sidos


    sauk city
  12. sidos

    Pictures of Sumps

    here's my sump
  13. sidos


    85 pounds of LR
  14. sidos


    lets try again, not the best photo
  15. sidos


    why did my picture turn out so small?
  16. sidos


    finally got liverock in my tank yesterday, i'm so excited that things are coming together
  17. sidos

    drain/return question

    i have blue line pump rated at 590 gph, i think i am gonna go with the durso standpipe, thanks for the replies
  18. sidos

    durso standpipe

    will a durso standpipe work if my drain pipe is not submerged in my sump?
  19. sidos

    drain/return question

    i swapped the perferated tube that came with the tank with a 1" pvc pipe and the drain couldn'e keep up with the return pump
  20. sidos

    drain/return question

    i have a 58g tank with built in overflow, the problem i am having is i cant keep the overflow area full, and it is quite noisy, anyway i can fix this?