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  1. austin21

    what now

    how was the eel my fault and how the hell would freshwater help me if im killing fish there are freshwater eels and everyone on the board told me to put it in with the eel i read other posts they said the eel is peacful so how was it my fauly smart guy exactly its not faget
  2. austin21

    what fish

    bought the stars and stripes the eel got him the first time i feed him im getting rid of the eel and other good fish
  3. austin21

    what fish

    or do you think i should get a 5inch blue jaw trigger it is on sale for 40 dollars i really like it but im only 15 so 40 dollars is alot to feed to an eel so i have to be sure he's not gonna get eaten
  4. austin21

    what fish

    what does the board thing is a better fish to get. a ghost eel a porkupine puffer or a stars and stripes puffer i like activity but mostly i like the one that eats the most what will be best
  5. austin21

    what now

    So the eel took a good chunk out of the puffer and now he is dead i thought he might live but i didnt realize the severity of the bite so what i was wondering is should i try another porky puffer a smll striped dogface or a stars and stripes puffer they all are small and at the lfs im thinking...
  6. austin21

    stupid eel

    so i should keep him and how should i get the krill out of the puffer
  7. austin21

    stupid eel

    ok 1 week ago i bought a snowflake eel i put him in his tank will triggers and a pork puffer that are all to big for his small mouth i noticed he hasnt been eating the goldfish so i bought krill i put the krill in there and the puffer loved it he ate so much then the eel came out and bit the...
  8. austin21

    snoflake eel

    i just yesterdday purchased a 5 inch snoflake eel i put it in the aquarium and it ate a goldfish within minutes but know it stopped eating what do i feed it also i have a 40 gallon and i have 1 snowflke 1 niger 1 piccaso 1 puffer and 1 clown the biggest fish is the eel at 5ich i know all of...
  9. austin21

    snoflake eel

    i just yesterdday purchased a 5 inch snoflake eel i put it in the aquarium and it ate a goldfish within minutes but know it stopped eating what do i feed it also i have a 40 gallon and i have 1 snowflke 1 niger 1 piccaso 1 puffer and 1 clown the biggest fish is the eel at 5ich i know all of...
  10. austin21

    Fish pictures?

    i think that has a lot of fish pic and info and's info section has pics and can tell you some info
  11. austin21

    online fish

    does anyone know any good places to buy triggers online
  12. austin21


    does anyone know if a baby trigger or a baby puffer 2 inch 3 inch will eat a anenome right now not in future. thanks sorry bout all the questions but i dont know where to find answers
  13. austin21

    Reef Aquariums

    im intrested in the reef aquariums at this time and wanted to know how difficult it is compared to keeping saltwater fish what would i need i have a 30 gallon tank that i want to convert and i have a 150 gallon if it is not to difficult i would like to do it but is it more rewarding looking...
  14. austin21

    Reef Aquariums

    im intrested in the reef aquariums at this time and wanted to know how difficult it is compared to keeping saltwater fish what would i need i have a 30 gallon tank that i want to convert and i have a 150 gallon if it is not to difficult i would like to do it but is it more rewarding looking...
  15. austin21

    C'mon everyone, who is the KING OF YOUR TANK?

    the pork puffer is in mine but the dominno damsel trys to beat on him alot
  16. austin21


    So there is no other hermits to put in with them and last question i wanted to know what everyone thought was better a small piccaso niger trigger and a puffer or if i get a lot of crabs shrimps a purple lobster and other inverts would that get boring quick.
  17. austin21


    Cool i think i will buy that it is nice and by the shell on top i dont think they have a chance at eating him but can i get a bluelegged hermit as well and could i get a choclate chip star fish thanks for the response what do hermit crabs eat and what are some other good hermits will a...
  18. austin21


    Is there any other names for the haloween crab i cant find it and i should probaly get it bigger than the fish correct. thanks
  19. austin21


    Are there any inverts i can put with a 3 inch picasso trigger a 4inch niger trigger and a 3 inch porky puff any inverts are fine i was thinking a spiny urchin because of the spines thanks any response is great even if it is a guess i know triggers are unpredictable thanks in advance.
  20. austin21

    Spiny Urchin

    the huma is small about 3 inch