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  1. rwrink

    The case of the disappearing ich

    Hi Joe The substrate is CC. I have began treatment with Coppersafe and there has been no signs of ich. All fish are doing well. With the amount of good luck I have, mabey some bad is needed to balance the scales. Rob
  2. rwrink

    The case of the disappearing ich

    Beth Thanks very much for your repy. I will check in again in 8 weeks to let you know how it works out. Cheers Rob
  3. rwrink

    The case of the disappearing ich

    I have a new flame angle in a 72 gal fowlr. The following day it showed the first signs of ich but upon inspection 8 hours later it was gone only to reappear the next morning. All other fish are healthy as usual. Any thoughts? Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 8 ppm SG 1.024 Tank 3 years old Clown...
  4. rwrink

    foxface sucking air at the surface

    great to know
  5. rwrink

    foxface sucking air at the surface

    Your water may have low o2 levels. What size of pumps are you using, do you have good water movement at the surface??
  6. rwrink

    Need Fast Response

    They will break apart on their own. No worries.
  7. rwrink

    Dialysis for salt water???

    Actually it was a friendly dig at the folks at Sea Visions. Any idea what percentage of the nitrifying bacteria is waterborne vs live rock. This may explain a bit.
  8. rwrink

    Dialysis for salt water???

    And herein lies the question. For a fowlr setup like mine, being able to remove nitrates and do automatic topoff seems like the holy grail. It also makes the prospect of a larger system even more attractive. Cheers By the way, aren't we all "profesional aquarist"?
  9. rwrink

    Dialysis for salt water???

    The company is called sea visions and the product is DialySeas. I don't think they carry the product here so if I stepped on some toes I am sorry. Other than the price, if it works as advertised I can't see why this wouldn't be a piece of standard gear like a good protien skimmer. Cheers
  10. rwrink

    Dialysis for salt water???

    Digging around the internet I found a company that claims to make a product that will clean everything out of the water including nitrates. The concept is based around kidney dialysis. Does anyone here run a system like this or know of someone who does????? And no, it's not cheap.
  11. rwrink

    Canadian Sites?

    As a complete random guess try googling "canada salt water equipment" i'm sure the first website you come arcoss will have everything you need. Cheers
  12. rwrink

    Aggressive Royal Gramma

    My Royal Gramma was aggresive towards my Hippo Tang when he arrived. This lasted for about a week after which everone got along fine. Just teasing the new kid I guess.