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  1. jordan58

    My 10G Nano

    my tank stays at around 79 but we are in winter right now (Australia) in summer it gets to around 83, but i don;t have a chiller so i point a fan at the tank instead. the white dots may be copepods, great food for your fish.
  2. jordan58

    My 10G Nano

    looks good although it does look like you have apstasia on the rock to the right. i would suggest if you wanted another fish maybe a goby of some sort. maroon looks really good.
  3. jordan58

    My 10G Nano

    sounds good nano wave how big is your maroon clown (i have always wanted one and i cant find one smaller than 5cm). good luck
  4. jordan58

    NANO REEFERS! Last person to post is a loser!

    not me again
  5. jordan58

    NANO REEFERS! Last person to post is a loser!

    damn i fell for it
  6. jordan58

    NANO REEFERS! Last person to post is a loser!

    left right left right then you straight for 40 miles and the you turn left right left right and then finally you turn left
  7. jordan58

    My 10G Nano

    here is a picture of the new layout and the newest member a starfish: and here is a picture of the SPS-poccilopora: and finally a picture of my sixline wrasse:
  8. jordan58

    My 10G Nano

    oh and i got some more live rock.
  9. jordan58

    My 10G Nano

    got my first SPS today, not sure what it is called cause i can't remember the name. right now its brown because it was under some stress moving, but at the LFS it was a beautiful dark purple color. will post some picture tonight.
  10. jordan58

    My 10G Nano

    thanks i will keep you all updated.
  11. jordan58

    My 10G Nano

    thanks Patrick the tank has been running for around 3 months now. the reason i wanted a sump was to not only have my 10G nano tank hooked up to it but to also have a 2ft frag tank connected, but i will probably only hook it up at the end of the year when i start my 2ft frag tank. in the mean...
  12. jordan58

    My 10G Nano

    hi jordan here is a picture of the tank now:
  13. jordan58

    My 10G Nano

    Hi everyone I have just recently started my 10 gallon nano. Tank after many months of research and head scratching, I finally started my tank. This will be a very slow build as i don't want to make any mistakes. Objective: Maintain a nice and peaceful SPS dominated nano tank. Display tank...
  14. jordan58

    stocking suggestions for a 10g

    hi i was also wondering what corals i could keep in my tank? i have 1 24w power compact and 2 8w T5's. thanks
  15. jordan58

    stocking suggestions for a 10g

    hi all i have just started up my 10g nano and i was wondering what fish i could have? i would like 1 bottom dweller like a blenny or goby and 1 other fish. any suggestions on which ones? thanks
  16. jordan58

    Lighting & stocking question for 5G Jebo Nano tank

    i have the same tank. it is not 5g it is 10g being 40l. i have upgraded my lighting to 1 x 24w pc and the 2 8w T5's. i took out the filtration system to fit the new light and have fitted a DIY hang on sump.