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  1. b_slate

    lighting ?

    Is it normal for my fish to change colors and act scared when I turn the tank light off? I have 6 damsels and when I turn the light off, they all go to the bottom of the tank and turn dark colors.
  2. b_slate

    aggresive or not?

    I am havin a hard time choosing between an aggressive tank or not. I have about another 2 weeks before my cycle is complete but I can't decide if I want to get aggressive fish or not. From what I hear Triggers are the most aggressive. But if I got non aggressive then what fish make up a good...
  3. b_slate

    lr question

    I have a 55 gallon tank, it is in the second week of the nitrogen cycle. My am is at .5 and my nitrite is at .05 and my nitrate is 0. Anybody think I would run into problems by adding about 40 lbs. of lr?
  4. b_slate


    Could I put more then one trigger in the same tank? I have a 55 gallon tank...would that be big enough for an undulated trigger. How many undulated triggers could be put in a 55 gal tank?
  5. b_slate

    Finding Nemo

    Can anyone tell me what fish and inverts are in the tank in the Finding Nemo movie and what size tank would it take to house all of these fish and inverts. For those of you who have seen the movie... wouldn't it be nice to have a filter that really scanned the water and told you all the...
  6. b_slate


    I have always had freshwater tanks with pirahnas... How would you compare this Trigger to a pirahna?
  7. b_slate


    What is the most aggressive saltwater fish that could reasonably live in a 55 gallon tank.
  8. b_slate


    I have been reading through my test kit and it doesn't say when Buffers should be added to water. It came with a dropper of Buffer but it doesn't explain how to use it. Can anyone help me in knowing when it is right to add buffers. Is it smart to add Buffer when the water change is made after...
  9. b_slate

    Cycle worries?

    I know to watch the am, nitrites, and nitrates during the cycle but there is so many changes. Should I even worry about the PH and Alkalinity during the cycle or just wait until the cycle is over.
  10. b_slate

    Water Parameters

    Just a few questions for the begginer! What must be done to cause PH to go up or down? What must be done to cause Alkalinity to go up or down? Should the light on the tank ever be turned off? I turned mine off for about 6 hours and when I turned it back on my fish were acting weird and were not...
  11. b_slate

    Clean Up Crew?

    Is it okay to add a cleanup crew in the middle of a cycle? What would be the best cleanup crew for a 55 gallon FOWLR tank? Is there anything I can do to help speed up the cycle?
  12. b_slate

    Cycling Process

    I have decided against the live rock due to the price. I have decided to buy dead rock to fill the tank and then add 2 or 3 live rocks to help with filtering and all the other benifits of lr. Is it possible that the dead rock may ever become live? What is a good fish to tank size ratio, upon...
  13. b_slate

    Cycling Process

    Okay..... The fish are back to the pet store and I now have 3 medium size cocktail shrimp in the tank. I didn't realize how harmful this cycle process was to the fish until now. I have been reading a lot of articles today and agree that it should not be cycled with live fish.
  14. b_slate

    Cycling Process

    It is a 55 gallon tank. I know I have a lot of questions, but this is my first tank. I have always had freshwater fish, and hell you can just pitch them in the water and go on with it! Once amonia gets going, does is get broken down into Nitrites and then into Nitrates? Are the Nitrates...
  15. b_slate

    Cycling Process

    I started my first saltwater tank just 4 days ago. I bought 6 damsels to start the cycling process and introduced them to the tank today. I know that the next step is to watch the ammonia levels but I am not sure where I go from here... Is it okay to add live rock during or after the cycle?