Search results

  1. b_slate

    Cleanup crew

    Any suggestions on a good clean up crew for a 55 FOWLR Tank... I am hoping to have the crew by next week but I am not sure what ones do the best job.
  2. b_slate

    LR Complaint

    I ordered 45 lbs of FIJI LR and after 3 days I still have not seen a single hitchiker... I don't understand. I bought 15 lbs of Marshall Island LR from my lfs and I have already seen 4 snails, a shrimp, and all kinds of coral growth. I don't understand it. Is it possible that everything died...
  3. b_slate

    clowns and anemones

    What is the best anemone for a false perc?
  4. b_slate

    LR Question

    What should I be looking for growing on my LR? Is it possible to have anenomes, coral, or plants? What else could possibly come in on my LR? I have looked at the Hitchiker Guide but I am sure other things are possible...
  5. b_slate

    55 gallon tank

    I do plan on removing the damsels, I am thinking about getting a percula clown, a couple of gobys, some type of tang, a star fish, and a good cleaning crew... How does that sound? Any other recomendations. I like your tank!
  6. b_slate

    55 gallon tank

    So far I have 70 lbs of LR and 5 damsels. My tank is fairly new (1 month) and I am looking to add more after everything gets settled in.
  7. b_slate

    55 gallon tank

    What does everyone have in their 55 gal tank?
  8. b_slate

    Hippo Tang

    Is there any other fish that looks similar to a hipo tang that would do well in a 55 gal? From the way it sounds, Tangs in general need larger than a 55 gal...Is this true?
  9. b_slate

    Hippo Tang

    Would I be okay to put a small Hippo Tang in a 55 FOWLR tank? I have 65 lbs of LR and 5 damsels. I also plan on getting a percula clownfish. Anybody think that I could run into problems.... If so, Is there anyfish that looks like a Hippo Tang but doesn't get as big?
  10. b_slate

    water movement

    when you say reef, does that include live rock?
  11. b_slate

    water movement

    how many gallons of water per hour should be moved in a 55 gallon tank?
  12. b_slate

    Base Rock?

    Anybody know where I can get cheap base rock online? Everywhere I find base rock the shipping is outrageous.
  13. b_slate

    LR Coming tomorrow

    Thanks for the help... I am getting ready to go the rock now. Hopefully I can find some with some cool creatures on it.
  14. b_slate

    lighting while on vacation?

    Think about it this way... Would you like to go 5 days without light? I think the timer is your best bet.
  15. b_slate

    LR Coming tomorrow

    When you say color, do you mean like pinks, yellows, and greens, or do you mean dark colors? I agree about the smaller pieces...they can be arranged into caves alot better.
  16. b_slate

    LR Coming tomorrow

    buying my lr tomorrow from lfs, anybody with tips on what to look for on the rock? I am a newb when I comes to all these coral lines and things.
  17. b_slate

    lighting ?

    I have 2 blue ones that turn black and a blue and yellow one that turns a real light purple. To be honest, I don't turn the lights off very often because I was afraid that this was causing stress on them. I will probably get a timer for my lights though. What kind of lighting would you...
  18. b_slate

    aggresive or not?

    sounds like a community tank it will be!
  19. b_slate

    lr question

    I think I will stick to buying it... I will ask my lfs if they carry it. I know they sell live rock so I don't see why they wouldn't.
  20. b_slate

    lr question

    where can i get base rock at?