Search results

  1. jeepgirl

    Do you want my killer shrimp, or should he go to shrimpy heaven

    I might be interested. How much are yuo looking at for the shipping/? You can email me at
  2. jeepgirl

    Do you want my killer shrimp, or should he go to shrimpy heaven

    I might be interested. How much are yuo looking at for the shipping/? You can email me at
  3. jeepgirl

    sell or move?

    Thats what I was thinking. The tanks will ahve to cycle anyway. Well just hate to get rid of my fishies. I am so attached to them. Hope theres good lfs's in Missouri in the dead middle of winter.
  4. jeepgirl

    sell or move?

    Looks like my husband and I are getting moved to Missouri. We live in Delaware now, we are military. Anyway... should I try and move the fish or should I sell them and start all over?
  5. jeepgirl

    OT: Where are all of you guys from?

    Air Force stationed at Dover Delaware
  6. jeepgirl

    ? about live rock

    Theres a private beach we have use of so I don't think we would need a permit but I will check. Thanks. Buying it sounding easier anyway. But if I do get it from the beach, Do I need to let it cure or will it be cured already?
  7. jeepgirl

    ? about live rock

    We live 10 minutes from the atlantic Oean Well my question is. Should I buy live rock? or could I just go to the beach and get some from the water?
  8. jeepgirl

    does anyone know any good lfs in Missouri

    well it appears we are changing bases. We are military. Anyway we are moving to LEbanon MIssouri. DOes anyone know any good fish stores there. I want to do alot of research before we get there.. Any info will be greatly appreciated
  9. jeepgirl

    what fish would be good in my tank?

    I was wondering if you could tell me what fish would be good in my 38 gal tank? I have 4 damsels(to get tank cycled) a small puffer, and a coral cat? Can I add any other fish to this tank or do I have enough already?
  10. jeepgirl

    yellow tang..big problem

    I do not think I am negligent at all. The tang has ben in there for months with the puffer. The lfs said the tang could stay in the tank for a year or so. So please tell me how I was wrong?
  11. jeepgirl

    yellow tang..big problem

    sorry to inform you. The tang was very much alive when its eyes were eaten. It was still swimming around. I am thinking of getting a bigger tank just for tangs after this experience
  12. jeepgirl

    yellow tang..big problem

    I have a 38 gallon saltwater tank. I have in it 4 damsels, A puffer(small), and a coral cat. I had a yellow tang . The problem is.. one of the fish ate its eyes. The eyes were completely gone.Can anyone tell me which monster fish did this to my helpless Tang.. PLEASE HELP!!!!!