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  1. Eloy Cardenas

    Aquarium flow question

    I recently got back into saltwater tanks after several years. I agree with you that you will need more rocks. Especially since tangs love to pick around. I 3 hydor powerheads in my 75. But its 3 of the 1050's. So I think you will be find. I recently got my led light. led is more but like it...
  2. Eloy Cardenas

    At a lost...

    Well thanks everyone for the info. Glad people took a min to post. I tested all my levels and are still the same... At zero. I will be adding a few snails and maybe a few hermit crabs. I been ghost feeding and also had a dead shrimp for a few days to cycle. I assume the bacteria and algae...
  3. Eloy Cardenas

    At a lost...

    Well. I guess its normal to see the spike of ammonia and then nitrite. And I would expect to see some nitrate. If I saw some nitrate then I know that the cycle happened. Unless something in the tank is using the nitrate too.
  4. Eloy Cardenas

    At a lost...

    I checked both test. Both are long ways from being expired. Api expire in 04/2016, and redsea in 01/17
  5. Eloy Cardenas

    At a lost...

    This is the whole tank. You can see the base rock and sand starting to grow algae. [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] This is one of 2 rocks that I added. Its also getting brown.
  6. Eloy Cardenas

    At a lost...

    This is when I started cycle. [/URL][/IMG]
  7. Eloy Cardenas

    At a lost...

    Hi. its a 75g tank. I used base rock and only 2 big pieces of live rock. I don't think its a lot of live rock. I cant imagine those 2 pieces had enough bacteria to handle the load.
  8. Eloy Cardenas

    At a lost...

    Well today makes day 9 of the cycle process.. I am been ghost feeding daily and for a few days even had a shrimp until is decomposed to mush.. I had the shrimp in for 2 days. I am still to have an ammonia spike or nitrite. Nitrate are at 0 too. It makes no sense to me. I should be seeing...
  9. Eloy Cardenas

    Cycling tank

    Well. I havnt really put much thought about what livestock. I will add a CUC as soon as there is stuff for them to eat. At 75 gallons I assume I can have 6-7 small fish. I know I would like 2 clownfish, coral beauty, a goby, maybe 1-3 anthias, and maybe a yellow tang. I need to do more research...
  10. Eloy Cardenas

    Quarantine Question

    I agree. But most stores I seen that have corals always have a few fish swimming around. So they can have ich and it could be on the coral. I just think its hard to qt live rocks or corals. Especially since my qt has a cheap little light that is barely enough to see the fish. I am sure the...
  11. Eloy Cardenas

    Quarantine Question

    Hi beth. Glad you responded.. Yes I said the same thing to the LFS. I said how do they know the ocean water is good? He said that he has been selling ocean water for 18 years and he has never had anyone complain. He also said that he sells several thousands of gallon a week so people most really...
  12. Eloy Cardenas

    Quarantine Question

    I know people should quarantine all fish. But I have a question. Even with quarantine fish cant ich and other parasites get in tank? Maybe from a new coral or a new piece of live rock you add??? Most LFS have fish in all tanks that have corals or live rock. I cant imagine we quarantine new...
  13. Eloy Cardenas

    Cycling tank

    Well Added more food in tank. Today is the second ghost feeding but nothing to eat it except bacteria I guess. I stopped by a LFS and had them test the water. Readings are the same as mine. They used api as well. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0. ph 8.0
  14. Eloy Cardenas

    Cycling tank

    I did try with api and redsea. Redsea is nice but takes longer for results.
  15. Eloy Cardenas

    Cycling tank

    Well. Day 6.. I was ghost feeding enough for 2 small fish for the first 3 days.. I then added a shrimp to help cycle the tank. The shrimp looked like it was decomposing and decided to pull it out on day 5. I checked all my levels and ammonia is 0. nitrite 0 and nitrate 0. I thought maybe I...
  16. Eloy Cardenas

    And you think i would learn

    I live in the city and have several local fish shops within 10-20 mins. But I fell they are over price and try to sell you junk. I see sick fish and they say its fine, just sleeping or something... I see way better deals on line and on
  17. Eloy Cardenas

    Cycling tank

    Yeah. Not sure. Been feeding for 3 days enough for 1-2 small fish. After 3 days amonmia is still 0.. So will add the dead shrimp and that should kick start it.
  18. Eloy Cardenas

    Cycling tank

    It's ok. I understand.
  19. Eloy Cardenas

    Cycling tank

    I am not killing an animal. I would use a dead cocktail shrimp from a local market to use it for the cycle process. I have used that method several times. I decided to ghost feed this time and 3 days in no ammonia. Normally with a dead shrimp decomposing I see an ammonia spike already.
  20. Eloy Cardenas

    Cycling tank

    . Yes cycle hasn't started. I used some live rock and wondering if the ghost feeding is putting enough ammonia that the bacteria on the live rock is consuming. Was thinking of getting a shrimp to add to tank to start or speeding up the ammonia spike. Can alway feed more as well.