Cycling tank


Well-Known Member
My guess is that the live rock you added has sufficient bacteria to process what you are adding - when nitrates rise you will know for sure.
Well Added more food in tank. Today is the second ghost feeding but nothing to eat it except bacteria I guess. I stopped by a LFS and had them test the water. Readings are the same as mine. They used api as well. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0. ph 8.0
I hope you have one expensive system to be ghost feeding if you don't have a really quality skimmer in my opinion your in in for a major bacteria spike, so ammonia spike..

bang guy

Well Added more food in tank. Today is the second ghost feeding but nothing to eat it except bacteria I guess. I stopped by a LFS and had them test the water. Readings are the same as mine. They used api as well. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0. ph 8.0
Sounds like all is progressing well.

What are you planning for your first livestock addition?
Sounds like all is progressing well.

What are you planning for your first livestock addition?
Well. I havnt really put much thought about what livestock. I will add a CUC as soon as there is stuff for them to eat. At 75 gallons I assume I can have 6-7 small fish. I know I would like 2 clownfish, coral beauty, a goby, maybe 1-3 anthias, and maybe a yellow tang. I need to do more research if a 75g is ok for them. Not sure the order yet. Also need more growth and time on the live rocks


Well-Known Member
If your ghost feeding you can add a cuc. Depending on what u like. Hermits, emeralds, snails, ect. Crabs will eat your ghost feeding offerings, certain snails will aswell. Your fish options are good the tang is "iffy" bc of it only being a 4ft tank. A kole would def be ok.