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  1. marcs4020

    flower anemone feeding?

    I just purchased a flower anemone from the lfs. It's my first one and I was wondering what I should feed it and how often. Any advise will help. thanks, Marc
  2. marcs4020

    flower anemone feeding?

    I just purchased a flower anemone from the lfs. It's my first one and I was wondering what I should feed it and how often. Any advise will help. thanks, Marc
  3. marcs4020

    canister filter cleaning ?

    I just bought a proquatics canister filter the other day and had a quick question about which media I should change/clean on a monthly basis. My fliter consists(from top to bottom) a sponge, activated carbon. zeolite, ceramic chips, and then another sponge on the top. I've heard quite a few...
  4. marcs4020

    coral beauty dead???

    thats strange that you had that problem because the same thing happened to me with my angel. I've had my tank running for just under a year and a few months back I introduced a flame angel. The fish was fine for a little over a month. Nothing seemed to be wrong except the usual aggresion from...
  5. marcs4020

    canister filter help

    I went out and bought a proquatics canister filter yesterday to replace my old whisper power filter and I was wondering how often do I have to clean and change the media in my new filter. I've heard anything from a month to six months and was hoping that someone could give me some advise on that...
  6. marcs4020

    yellow tang ?

    I was looking at putting in a yellow tang in my aquarium. It is a 30 gal high. I was wondering if this would be a suitable amount of space. I looked at a few places online and I can't seem to get a straight answer on what the recomended tank size is. Thanks Marc
  7. marcs4020


    So if it is from the lights should I gravel vac my crushed coral or just let it go away by itself.. thanks for the help, marc
  8. marcs4020


    I recently puchased a new lighting fixture for my tank, it is two 18 inch tubes as opposed to the single tube that I had before that. I have had it on the tank now for about two weeks and I have had a huge increase in the amount of brow algae. The question that I was wondering about is: Should...
  9. marcs4020!!!!

    Beth, My tank has been up and running since September. I let the water condition all of September and October before I added the fish in mid November. I am using an undergravel filter with activated carbon as well as a regular hanging filter (Whisper 40) with carbon and zeolite. When I tested my...
  10. marcs4020!!!!

    I tested my water on december 1st and it contained the usual amount of nitrites, which was 0. When I tested the water again two weeks later my nitrites where greater than one. In this time period I only added one more fish which brings the total to 4. I have a flame angel, a royal gramma, and...