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  1. ettienem


    What is the diff. between a refugium and a sump filter, and how fast should the water be pumped through
  2. ettienem


    only joking. I couldn't even spell it properly. Go back and check again
  3. ettienem


    Originally posted by New_Noob This does not explain anything! just because we are young dosent mean we are "stupid kids"! . If you cant spell doen't right i sugest you stay away from any difficult fish keeping
  4. ettienem


    thanx RAYRAYPICO. That would have been great but the shipping cost would be massive especially with SA's wonderfull exchange rate.
  5. ettienem


    Thanx again. At the moment there is only one shop that will supply me with 20kg (+- 10lbs) of live rock at R1400.00(+- $200). I will just have to keep looking
  6. ettienem


    thanx for the advice. But here in South Africa you cant find any LS to buy.
  7. ettienem


    If i go to the beach and put some wet sand in a bucket and transport it for 5 hours can I use that as LS
  8. ettienem

    sample of a sump filter

    I am about to start a marine tank, hopefully with corals and live rock if I can get hold of them in South Africa. I need advice on how to build a sump filter and protein skimmer, and what bacteria needs to grow in there and how to get them to start growing. I am really a novice and have spoken...