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  1. frigger

    found this munching on my kenya

    i just found the name...Tritoniopsis elegans..said to love to eat leathery corals
  2. frigger

    found this munching on my kenya

    i looked all over the internet last night. i found one that looked like it..forgot the name.. but the site said it ate soft corals
  3. frigger

    found this munching on my kenya

    hope i did right thing by flushing it
  4. frigger

    Lighting suggestions?

    what i have: 75 gallon tank with 80-100 lbs rock and about 60 lbs sand 3 clowns, 1 cromis, 1 regal tang, 1 coral beauty angel, 2 pajama cardinals, 2 pseudos ricordias, many mushrooms,star polyps green and white, several zoos, kenya tree, large colt coral, button polyps, lots of xenias the usual...
  5. frigger

    Would This work for R/O supply

    thanks guys , thats what i thought. the waste water is just the excess that went by the filters. the metals and junk are already in the filter,right? i think i will try soon. let you know
  6. frigger

    Mike22's Tank

    good start on the tank...for the pink dots, scrape with a single edge razor blade... and watch that mushroom in the fourth pic when it gets big (like 5 or six inches) mine ate two green cromis
  7. frigger

    90 gallon light fixture

    I use a 250 watt m/h made from an industrial parking lot light in a DIY enclosure with 4 pc fans and the ballast in a remote enclosure and 60watts actinic. i am just in the process of adding another 250 m/h
  8. frigger

    Would This work for R/O supply

    I'm sorry , i should have said that the pump would be probably a pump for well water. we used one at the farm and it made pressure similar to household pressure. thanks
  9. frigger

    Would This work for R/O supply

    just trying not to waste so much water and dont really see any reason this cant work well.
  10. frigger

    show off your zoas!!!!

    those are super nice ,murph
  11. frigger

    new zoos

    i gotta get a new camera..this fuji 3.1mp just don't cut it.
  12. frigger

    new zoos

    got these from LFS yesterday...a steal at $30
  13. frigger

    here is a link to a few pics of my 75 gal reef.

    thanks. i would say about 80 pounds live rock and 40 pounds sand/cc mixed. the lighting is a 250 watt metal halide and 2 24 inch actinics.i have the actinics on 12 hours and the halides on 10. I use a large canister filter,a two sided Biowheel,and a prism skimmer. very soon to switch to a sump...
  14. frigger

    does anyone know what this is?

    thanks everyone. it just bothered me not knowing. the pics were from an area i could not take with flash because of the angle i had to hold the camera and its just a 5mp camera.
  15. frigger

    does anyone know what this is?

    we have red and orange on our newest rock. I think it may be sponge but not sure. they do seem to be growing.
  16. frigger

    here is a link to a few pics of my 75 gal reef.

    3 clowns 1 coral beauty angel 1 regal tang 1 yellow stripe pseudo 1 little spotted pseudo 1 green cromis i had 1 more clown and three more cromis but a huge umbrella mushroom ate them before i figured out what was going on.I first thought it was my brittle star,almost took him out. i had no...
  17. frigger

    here is a link to a few pics of my 75 gal reef. i will put up more later more pics added