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  1. iggy koopa

    Real Ocean Water.

    Hey, Thanks for all the input. So far my two little crabs are doing fine and the small christmas tree worms and polyps on the live rock are starting to come out. As soon as I stock it, I'll have pics. Thanks again. Iggy Koopa
  2. iggy koopa

    Real Ocean Water.

    Well, usually you have to dechlorinate, mix salt into the water, put in smaller fish to help cycle, then you get to add cool stuff a couple weeks down the road. At least that's what I normally do. With the Ocean Water you could add stuff immediately. If you know any other way beyond that I'd be...
  3. iggy koopa

    Real Ocean Water.

    Hey, I'm in the process of starting my new 5.5 gallon nano tank (pics to come real soon) and instead of doing the whole cycling thing, I used some Real Ocean Water. It's a 5 gallon package that they sale for 9.99 at *****. I figured I'd just use the trial and error method on it and so far...
  4. iggy koopa

    Lighting for Nano.

    Hey, I'm about to start a 5 gallon nano tank and was wondering if I could get some suggestions on which lights to get. I've been reading some of the recent posts here and I have an idea. I know I'd probably have to cut, screw, and attach some stuff but that's completely fine. My main concern is...
  5. iggy koopa

    Puffer Question.

    Hey, I'm thinking about an all-puffer tank. Is this possible? In other words, I want to start a tank that has nothing but puffers, not necessarily every kind but just puffers. Perhaps I'll add something else as time goes by but I was just wondering. Thanks in advance. Iggy Koopa
  6. iggy koopa

    New to this.

    Hey, I've have had a saltwater tank in some capacity for about 11 years now. The only problem is that I've only ever had reef tanks. Recently, my interest has shifted to aggressive fish. I know that you can't mix aggressive fish and corals and I'm really not sure on what to get. Some of my...
  7. iggy koopa

    Reef Tank for sale in Wichita, Kansas area.

    Anyone interested in buying a 29 gallon reef tank in the Wichita, Kansas area? There are several things in it, if you want to see pics, let me know and I will post them. Also, if you want to know what is in there let me know. I'm not sure on a price yet I just want to see if anybody is...
  8. iggy koopa

    Sea Apples?

    Just wondering if anybody has any useful information on Sea Apples? I've heard they can be deadly to your entire tank if they die or are attacked? Anybody know of any truth in that statement? Any info is appreciated. My thanks in advance. -Ro. Feed the faith, and doubt will starve to death.
  9. iggy koopa

    Newbie anemone question

    Looks like a bubble tip. Iggy Koopa
  10. iggy koopa

    Weird behavior by my lionfish.

    I recently added a bubbletip anemone in my aquarium. I have lots of live rock and inverts and the lionfish I have usually sits at the bottom underneath a crevice in the live rock. He just sits there until something happens, like when I feed him. Anyways... Since I have added the bubbletip he...
  11. iggy koopa

    Lighting for a 29 gallon...

    I have a 29 gallon reef tank also. I have a custom built hood that holds three Coralife bulbs. Not sure but I think it comes out to be around 6 watts per gallon. I've had great luck with my reef. Iggy Koopa
  12. iggy koopa

    Pregnant Shrimp - Photo!

    Tight Pic. Good luck raisin' em. Iggy Koopa
  13. iggy koopa

    Tubastrea Sun

    Anyone had any experience with a tubastrea sun coral? Any pointers you can give on one? Any input would be appreciated. Thanx, Iggy Koopa