Search results

  1. anna&mike

    Is this 2 much for 75 Gallons?

    We are very Proud of our Little Ocean. Any suggestions are always welcomed. Are biggest frustration in the "nuisance algea" , cyno bacteria and of course the "Green Thing" That I thought was a sponge but not sure now. I read this forum alot. My wife and I love or new Hobby and Pets. ***) The...
  2. anna&mike

    Am I lucky?? Is this normal??

    We have about 60 Pounds of Live Rock that still is curing a little I think. :notsure: I am new to the Saltware enviroment but had a 55 Gallon Freshwater a long time ago. I think that we have had all those things as well look at our pick. Our tank is about 6 months old, but was established for...