Search results

  1. college kid

    cleaner package to add?

    well thank you everyone! I have done a bunch of research and got a lot of mixed reviews. Most did say that if I feed enough that stuff reached the bottom, I wouldn't have a problem. As for the Sally I've never heard that, I might rethink that one. I don't know why but I have a fetish with...
  2. college kid

    cleaner package to add?

    well thank you, I got the light because I might get corals in the future, as for alge, I have more of a problem with the brown stuff. Nothing else is really bad. I like the looks of all the invertabrits is the main reason I want to get them.
  3. college kid

    cleaner package to add?

    I am running a protien skimmer, I have orbit PC lights 260watts, and my fish are a koran angel, foxface rabbit, lawnmower blenny, and a watchman goby. I was also wondering what would be the best way to feed them, and if I did decide to get all them, how is the best way to feed them?
  4. college kid

    cleaner package to add?

    Hi everyone, I'm thinking of finally adding a cleaner package and was wondering if I've gone over board or not enough. I have a 55gal FOWLER right now. I only have 4 fish. 40 lbs of live rock. I was thinking of adding; 1 queen conch, 10 blueleg hermits, 10 scarlet hermits, 3 emeralds, a bag...
  5. college kid

    Purple alge?

  6. college kid

    Purple alge?

    well thank you everyone for all the help... I was afraid that was what you were going to say. I don't have any corals or anything that requires a lot of light, can I just shut the lights off for a couple days. I'm also going to be adding about 40 lbs of sand to the tank in the near future to...
  7. college kid

    Purple alge?

    Hey everyone, I need all your wonderful advice again. On the bottom of my tank on top of just the sand I have a purpleish like alge and it has air bubbles in it. I haven't introduced anything new and it just like took off in the last two days... what is it and how do I get rid of it?
  8. college kid

    color fading

    Hello everyone! I have a Koran Angel and his color is kind of fading, like he is turning almost a gray color in the middle. What is this from (guessing stress) and how do I get his color back. No other fish is experiencing this.
  9. college kid

    Help Me!

    SW tanks are money eaters! You will never be happy something is always better out there. Need good lights if you want corals, $200-700. Filters $200. Protien skimmer $200 dollars. UV sterilizer $150. Noticing a trend yet. Live Sand and sand $100. Live rock $400. Fish food $100. Salt...
  10. college kid

    air stones

    kool, thank you guys, I hate the look of the airstones and lines anyways.
  11. college kid

    air stones

    Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr Air stones are not recommended for SWF, due to the fact there have been instances of aur bubbles getting traped inside fishes gills. you will get all the water/air exchange via a protein skimmer or mechanical filatration or surfance agitation via power head. I...
  12. college kid

    air stones

    55 gal w/ a canister filter, love to go sump, school needs to be done first
  13. college kid

    air stones

    Say I was wondering what is the best way to put air into your dt. I am using air stones right now, but on everyone elses pics I never see anything like that. What would everyone recommend me doing?
  14. college kid

    Fish addition

    thank you very much, I hope he doesn't but he probrably will.
  15. college kid

    water changes?

    I keep a good eye on all my levels with at least weekly testings, if no problem no water change. I do however do one (about 10-15%) every month just to stay on the safe side. I've heard that you don't really need to do them if you keep your levels down, but it helps to keep disease and alge...
  16. college kid

    restocking my 75 gal

    Originally Posted by dwendler4 question 2: the damsels: i have heard in the past that some damsels are absolutely terrible... which kinds are those? i have heard that some arent that bad... which are those? i dont want to go the chromis route because they were in my last tank... what about...
  17. college kid

    Fish addition

    Really!!!? I knew the fox face and angel would be to big impulse buy before I knew what I was doing. But I never thought they would go after each other. Right now they look like a mated pair, they go everywhere together. (They were introduced together) That was about nine months ago. I...
  18. college kid

    90 Gallon Tank

    thank you, I had my plastic top on there and it was horrible, I am on my way for eggcrate! Light diffuser
  19. college kid

    90 Gallon Tank

    Does a LFS usually have eggcrate? And the evaporation won't hurt my lights at all right?
  20. college kid

    Fish addition

    Hello everyone! I have a 55 gal tank, 50 lbs live rock, typical clean up crew, a foxface, koran angel, and a watchman goby. Over the next year I would like to add a neon goby, firefish goby, and a 6-line wrasse. Any reason why this wouldn't work?