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  1. college kid

    90 Gallon Tank

    To eveyone out there, what do you use on top of your fish tank?
  2. college kid

    90 Gallon Tank

    Originally Posted by Nick76 well with a reef u would use lights that are put over the tank and most people dont use a top or they use eggcrate. I have a set of PC lights from orbit, and on the directions it says to leave a top on the tank, should I disregard that as there is a plastic covering...
  3. college kid

    Carbon in filter

    Well thank you, I apreciate all the help.
  4. college kid

    Carbon in filter

    what is phosban used for? I've never heard of it.
  5. college kid

    Carbon in filter

    Hello everyone! I recently read on hear some people talking about not needing carbon in the filter. I have a fluval canister filter and it has three different compartments for different media. Right now I have the top one and half the middle one with biological media, and the other half...
  6. college kid

    who's the culpret?

    Well thank you very much, I def apreciate all the advice
  7. college kid

    black percula

    Ok so if I put a BTA in and a black perc in a 55 gal the rest of my fish should be ok?
  8. college kid

    black percula

    I think the black perc is one of the coolest fish you can get. I would love to have one. I am looking at getting a BTA and a black perc, but I am a little leary. I had a pink tip anenome and a maroon clown and it caused so much havoc in my tank. The PTA killed one of my damsels (not a big...
  9. college kid

    who's the culpret?

    I don't think it is mantis because I've had the tank and everything in it for about a year and a half and never seen anything out of the ordinary. Is mantis what makes that clicking noise? Maybe I do have one in their then. But from what I hear it should have taken out a few more fish than...
  10. college kid

    who's the culpret?

    Thank you for your reply, my CBS is a little [hr] lol He chases my watchman all over the place, It is actually quite comical. The watchman will go to one side of the tank and sit and the CBS will slowly work his way over, after about three hours he has to switch sides. I guess I've...
  11. college kid

    A possibly foolish canister filter question

    Say I have a canister filter (fluval). The inside of the canister has the filter pads first and then it has three layers for biological media or carbon or whatever. Right now I have the top layer and half the second layer filled with biological media and the rest of the middle and bottom with...
  12. college kid

    who's the culpret?

  13. college kid

    who's the culpret?

    Well my ? is then why didn't I ever find the bodys? I have moved a couple times in this time period, (being a college kid isn't easy to keep a fish tank) and I understand that moving puts quite a bit of stess on them, but during all the moves I should have found one of their bodies and I never...
  14. college kid

    who's the culpret?

    I forgot! My neon goby dissapeared also, and I never found his body either!
  15. college kid

    who's the culpret?

    Ok so I have a 55 gal tank that I set up about a year ago. I have one Koran Angel, Foxface Rabbit(I know should be in bigger tank, LFS said I would be fine until I read more on them), watchman goby, a couple small damsels, and a CBS. I added 3 emerald crabs to the group about six months ago...