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  1. adhoc

    Help with my monti?

    Oh, I forgot -- re: lighting. I total about 260 W of PC lighting in the tank. This piece is directly below the two 96 W lights I mentioned in the first post, and maybe 5 inches off center from a 55W 10,000K. It's down 6 inches below the lights (highest point in my tank). I've been debating a...
  2. adhoc

    Help with my monti?

    Hmmmmm... good questions. I am using a Hagan KH test kit... and reading it now, yes it says: "carbonate hardness in mg/L (ppm) as calcium carbonate (CaCO3)." The booklet with the kit says 105-125 is "ideal range", so I never really thought twice about the levels. I have coraline growing, but I...
  3. adhoc

    Help with my monti?

    Is the lighting levels the cause of the damage to the coral? I only ask because I have another monti in the tank, same elevation, not exhibiting any problems, and have had an acropora and monti in a previous setup that survived well.
  4. adhoc

    Leather Toadstool

    I wouldn't think a "shady day" alone would trigger that response. Have you checked the other water parameters to make sure they're still in line?
  5. adhoc

    Help with my monti?

    My montipora has recently started to turn white at its edge and looks to be disintegrating slowly (the damage shown in the picture is 3 days worth). It's not bleaching. When I first saw it, I thought a crab had knocked it into a piece of LR or something, it looks like it's been physically...
  6. adhoc

    Where can I get Tropical Play Sand in Chicago?

    Yeah, I just bought some at Home Depot in Palatine. It's near the northern end of 290 on Dundee Rd. They still have a dozen 50lb bags or so left, as of two days ago.
  7. adhoc

    why not a 7 pack!

    Originally posted by skirrby i still really love my sea fan. So do I! Could you post more details on it? I've been trying to figure out what kind it is. Thanks!
  8. adhoc

    chiller question????

    What is the temperature spread on the water actually running through the chiller? Have you tried to measure the inlet and outlet temps?
  9. adhoc

    Live Sand - $15 with shipping

    Approx how many square feet of coverage would 2-3 pounds provide?
  10. adhoc

    Revised tank setup: comments?

    Not all pumps can do that. In fact, I think most pumps would not. You'd be safer keeping the housing of the pump below the water surface IMHO. More of your pump's capacity will be lost thru pipe fittings than the extra couple inches of vertical rise.
  11. adhoc

    New member saying hi

    Hey, thanks for the warning. After seeing (or barely seeing) how timid the thing was for all this time, getting the krill snatched was the last thing I expected. Now I know... I have been listening to the mantis clicking its claws since day one, loud enough to hear from another room... I'll be...
  12. adhoc

    Do Clowns Treat A Toadstool Like An Anemone?

    Leather corals are not mobile as anemones. At my LFS, a toadstool in their reef tank has grown to easily 18 inches tall, and a few months ago a maroon clown was very happy swimming in it. My clowns fell in love with my bubble coral, actually, pretty surprising. The bubble did not exhibit any...
  13. adhoc

    New member saying hi

    Hello all, been lurking off and on for a while. Had a funny incident tonight that finally made me pull the trigger and log in. When I first bought my live rock I noticed a small shrimp-like thing that would dart out of sight when I approached my tank. I have been trying for almost a year to get...